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Q: What do you call when a technique whereby atmosphere and setting are created using words?
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Where in the world does the moon look largest?

The moon appears largest when it is near the horizon due to an optical illusion called the "moon illusion". This effect makes the moon look larger when it is closer to objects on the horizon such as buildings or trees, giving the appearance of an enlarged moon.

How did Zeus get Hera to marry him?

Zeus disguised himself as a helpless bird, and Hera took pity on him and cared for him. Once she held the bird in her hands, Zeus transformed back into his true form and married Hera as a gesture of gratitude.

Are red objects on space all hot?

Not necessarily. The color red in space can be a result of various factors, such as the temperature of the object, the materials it's made of, and the way it interacts with light. Some red objects may be hot, like a red giant star, but others may appear red due to different phenomena, such as redshift in distant galaxies.

Are there any weaknesses or gaps in the Big Bang Theory that are being considered?

Yes, there are some weaknesses or gaps in the Big Bang Theory that scientists are considering. Some of these include the inability to explain what happened before the Big Bang, the origin of dark matter and dark energy, and the lack of a complete unified theory that combines general relativity and quantum mechanics. Scientists are actively researching and developing new theories to address these gaps.

Does the Sun play role in weathering?

The Sun plays a significant role in weathering processes. Solar radiation can cause thermal expansion and contraction of rocks, leading to physical weathering. Additionally, sunlight can accelerate chemical weathering reactions by providing energy to break chemical bonds in minerals.

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DHCP Spoofing is a Man-in-The-Middle technique whereby the attacker responds to DHCP request message, providing the target with an IP address and also setting the attacker's IP address as the gateway address of the victim machine, thereby relaying all traffic from the victim's machine via the attacker's machine.

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It is the cycle of processes whereby water circulates between the earth's oceans, the atmosphere, and land, involving precipitation as rain and snow, the drainage in streams and rivers, and then return to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration.

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It means In Vitro Fertilisation- a technique used to help women who cannot conceive naturally to become pregnant, whereby a fertilised egg is injected into her uterus.

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When Jefferson says the destructive of the ends for which it was created meant that it comes a time whereby a certain illegitimacy ends.

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(Electronics & Computer Science / Computer Science) a technique whereby computer peripherals may be addressed as though they formed part of the main memory of the computer. (Khanu Piyar)