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Q: What do you call clouds that block the sun?
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Can you still get a sun tan when the sun is behind the clouds?

No the suns rays are block by the clouds so the effect of the sun on your skin is gone.

Why do clouds act like insulators from the sun?

because they are full of water they are full of water they block out the sun.

What role do the ozone clouds and atmosoheric gases play in the transfer of energy from the sun to the atmosphere?

The ozone clouds block the UV rays. These are harmful radiations of the sun.

What is a cloudy day?

A cloudy day is when the sky is full of clouds which block out the sun.

How do weather conditions at night differ from the conditions during the day?

because in the night more clouds form and block the sun in the day there are not many clouds to block the suns rays

How do weather condition at night different from the condition during the day?

because in the night more clouds form and block the sun in the day there are not many clouds to block the suns rays

Why cant you see the sun when its raining?

It's because of all the clouds. They're called rain clouds (scientifically known as cumulonimbus) and they block out the sun because they are so dark.

Why are temperatures low in the namib deserts?

It is because there are clouds to block some sun rays during the day and there are trees that can block the strong winds.

Why do clouds block the sun?

Clouds block the sun by scattering and reflecting the sunlight that tries to pass through them. This can create shadows on the ground and reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the surface, causing a decrease in visible sunlight and temperature.

What causes less water vapor production over a small area?

Clouds block the sun from vaporizing.

Is the sun above the clouds or below the clouds?

The sun is above the clouds, because when the clouds pass through it covers the sun. So yes the clouds are below the sun.

What is sometimes produced when altostratus clouds block the sun at sunset?

Sometimes when altostratus clouds block the sun at sunset, it can create a beautiful display of vivid colors in the sky known as a "red sky at night." This phenomenon occurs when the sunlight interacts with the clouds, scattering shorter wavelengths of light and allowing the longer red and orange wavelengths to dominate the sky.