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Q: What do scientists use satellites for?
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What scientists use weather satellites?

Meteorologists, climatologists, and atmospheric scientists rely on weather satellites to monitor and study weather patterns and predict future conditions. These scientists use data from weather satellites to track storms, monitor changes in climate, and develop weather forecasts to help keep communities safe and informed.

How do scientists predict tsunami?

they use satellites to see if there is high or low pressure.

How so scientists make use of satellites data to study the earth?

I dont know... :P

Do scientists use satellites to measure the size of polar ice caps?

Yes, scientists use satellites equipped with radar, laser altimeters, and other sensors to measure the size of polar ice caps. These satellites can provide accurate measurements of ice height, extent, and changes over time, helping researchers monitor the impact of climate change on these regions.

How do scientists predict snow storms?

They use satellites, computer models, and observations from the atmosphere to determine what the weather is going to be.

Can scientists see sunspots?

yes, with satellites that is how they get proof

How many satellites has Nigerian scientists launched?


What type of technology do scientists use to explore other parts of your solar system?

Scientists use various types of technology to explore other parts of the solar system, including space probes, rovers, telescopes, and satellites. These technologies help scientists gather data, images, and other information about planets, moons, asteroids, and comets in our solar system.

How do scientists send satellites into space?

they used to use the space shuttle but now they use unmaned space craft or the russians/ESA european space agency

What do scientists observe the earth with?

Scientists observe the Earth using a variety of tools and instruments such as satellites, drones, buoys, weather stations, and sensors. These tools help scientists collect data on various aspects of the Earth's atmosphere, oceans, land surfaces, and ecosystems, which are crucial for understanding Earth's dynamics and monitoring environmental changes.

How do scientists collect information on Mercury?

by using telescopes and satellites.

How can satellites help scientists protect coral reefs?
