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He ran away, and the Master went crazy.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Looking into the time vortex caused the Ninth Doctor to absorb the time vortex energy in order to save Rose Tyler. This act resulted in the regeneration of the Ninth Doctor into the Tenth Doctor.

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Q: What did Doctor Who do when he looked into the time vortex?
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What is the history between the Doctor and the Master in Doctor Who?

well, when they were young, they were best friends but the master looked into the time vortex and became evil and power-hungry. See related links for more info.

What are the codes for vortex run Doctor Who?

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When an army of Daleks were planning to destroy the Earth, the Doctor prepared a delta wave which would have destroyed the Dalek army, but also the Earth as well ("Coward. Any day.") However, Rose Tyler, having looked into the heart of the TARDIS and absorbed the whole of the Time Vortex, destroyed the Dalek army herself. However, it was killing her, and the Doctor absorbed himself by kissing her, saving her but resulting in his regeneration.

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In the Time Vortex, it would most likely be invisible to avoid detection.

How did the ninth doctor regenrate?

***SPOILER ALERT!***If you have not seen it yet.When Rose opened the TARDIS, the whole Time Vortex flowed through her head. She kissed the Doctor and transferred it into him and he had to get it out somehow.

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No, Pokemon Vortex does not give any viruses. I have been a member for a long time and I have not had any problems with it. So take my word for it and have fun on Pokemon Vortex!!!!!!

Does the doctor mention Rose in the 3rd series?

Thinking back, no, no he didn't but the master did, he said "doesn't he like messing with earth girls!" and he said that "one took in the time vortex didn't he tell you that?"!

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What was the first Doctor Who episode that featured David Tenant?

Series 1; Episode 13 The Doctor (Christopher Ecclestone) had just saved Rose's life by absorbing the time vortex from her. He needed to regenerate and did so into Doctor number 10 (David Tennant). This happened right at the end of the episode, at the end of the first series.

What machine was doctor who's Tardis?

The TARDIS (which stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space) is a fictional space ship that can travel through time and space. It disappears in one spot and reappears in another. The lore on the show is the sound of its engines is the sound of the time vortex and perhaps time itself.

How do you use vortex in a sentence?

A vortex is a whirling, spiralling mass, whether liquid, gas or flames. Example of sentences would be:When you swirl your hand around and around in water, it creates a vortex.Within the huge tornado was a vortex of dust and debris.