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what determines the portion of the moon that you see at night

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Q: What determines the portion of the moon that you see at night?
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What determines how much moon you see on a clear night?

The moon doesn't get it's own light the sun reflexes on the moon so basically the sun brightens the moon for light. :)

Why are you able to see the many changing shapes of the moon?

It's because the angle between the moon, Sun and Earth change, so we see a different portion of the lit side of the moon every night.

Why we see the moon at night?

We see the moon during the day, too. The reason we can see the moon is because it is large and close to Earth. As such, it reflects a portion of the sunlight which lands upon it down toward our planet. The angle of the sun upon the moon's surface, as seen from the Earth, is also what's responsible for the phases of the moon.

What phase of the moon is it when you see the moon getting half full and gettin fuller?

When the moon appears as a half-illuminated disk, and the illuminated portion is growing from one night to the next,the phase is known as "first quarter".

When do you see a moon?

You see the moon at night when it reflects sunlight from the sun. The moon's appearance changes throughout the month as it orbits Earth, leading to different phases such as full moon, half moon, and crescent moon.

Why can you see the moon at night?

You can see the moon at night because it reflects light from the sun. Even though the sun has set and it is dark on Earth, the moon's surface still reflects enough sunlight to be visible in the night sky.

When the moon waxes the sunlight portion gets?

when the moon waxes, the portion that we can see appears to get bigger, but it actually stays the same.

Why is it sometimes you can see the moon in the day and sometimes you can't see it at night?

You can see the moon in the day if it's in a specific phase and position in relation to the sun. During a full moon, it's visible both day and night. When the moon is a crescent or in a different phase, it may not be visible at night due to its position relative to the Earth and the sun.

Where can you see the Moon's phases?

Anywhere that it is night. inless if it is a new moon then you can not see the moon.

Do you need the moon why?

To see in the Night :) See "do we really need the moon?"

When you see more of the illuminated portion of the Moon today than you did yesterday the Moon is called?

Gibbus moon

Why do you see the moon every night?

The moon is not always visible at night. If the moon is in conjunction with the sun, it will be a "new moon" and will be very hard to see. Waning crescent moons cannot be seen at night, only in the morning.