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Its mass.

More mass=more gravity

Also the distance from the planet's center

to its surface, i.e. its radius.

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Q: What determines how much gravity on a planet has?
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Related questions

What determines gravity pull on a planet?

The force of gravity is determined by the masses of the objects and their distance apart.

What effects does gravity have on planets orbit?

Gravity, together with the planet's total kinetic and potential energy, completely determines the size and shape of the orbit.

What determines the pull of gravity at a planets surface?

It's mainly to do with the mass of the planet, the more mass, the higher the gravitational pull of the planet. The two are related.

What determines your weight on a planet?

Your weight on a planet is determined by the strength of its gravity. Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards the planet's center. The more massive the planet, the stronger the gravity, resulting in a greater weight for objects on its surface.

What determines how strong the force of gravity is at the surface of each planet?

The weight of an object on the surface of a planet depends on ...-- The mass of the object.-- The mass of the planet.-- The distance between the center of the object and the centerof the planet, i.e. the planet's radius.

Does the mass of the planet depend on how much gravity it has?

No. It is the other way around; gravity depends on mass.

Does planet Mars have gravity?

Yes it does but not as much as earth does. Every object that has mass also has gravity.

What property of a planet determines if the planet can have an atmosphere?

The mass of the planet. It's not clear cut, since there has to be gas around in the area to provide the atmosphere, but the planet (or moon) need to be massive enough to provide sufficient gravity for the gas molecules not to escape into space.

What came first the planet or it's gravity?

The planet came first. Gravity is a fundamental force of nature that exists regardless of the presence of planets. When enough matter comes together, gravity causes it to pull into a sphere, forming a planet.

Is mercurys gravity stronger than earths?

Planet Mercury and Planet Earth are both rocky planets. But Mercury is much smaller than Earth, so has much less force of gravity. Your answer is "No".

How much gravity do the other planets have?

The amount of gravity is not really quantifiable, but the gravitational force of a planet on a standard mass at a standard distance is proportional to the planet's mass.

What force counteracts a planet's inertia and keeps the planet in its orbit?

Gravity is the force that counteracts a planet's inertia and keeps it in its orbit. The gravitational force between the planet and the star it orbits causes the planet to continuously fall towards the star while simultaneously moving tangentially at a sufficient speed to remain in a stable orbit.