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Q: What describes a light microscope with multiple lenses?
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What general type of microscope used bright illumination and multiple glass lenses?

A compound light microscope.

Why is a light microscope also called a compound microscope?

A light microscope is called a compound microscope because it uses multiple lenses (a compound of lenses) to magnify the image of a specimen. This allows for higher magnification and resolution compared to a simple microscope.

Why do you call the microscope a compound light microscope?

A compound light microscope is named so because it uses multiple lenses (compound) to magnify the specimen, and it relies on light to illuminate the sample for viewing. The term "compound" refers to the use of multiple lenses in the system for higher magnification power compared to simple microscopes.

Why do we call a microscope a compound light microscope?

A compound light microscope is called so because it uses two lenses to magnify objects: the objective lens and the ocular lens. The use of multiple lenses allows for higher magnification and clearer image resolution compared to a simple microscope.

What is the name of the microscope Robert hooke invented?

The microscope invented by Robert Hooke is known as the compound microscope. It was one of the earliest microscopes with multiple lenses for magnification.

Why is light microscope called a compound microscope?

A compound light microscope is named for the use of more than one lens to collect and focus light, and magnify the image.

What has a tube with lenses a stage and a light?

compound light microscope

How many lenses does a compound microscope have?

The term compound microscope normally refers to a light microscope that uses two or more lenses to magnify objects. (Two lenses does not refer to the number of eye pieces as does the term binocular microscope.) This is to be distinguished from a simple light microscope with a single lens. There are many modern variations of the light microscope which have more specialized names but which may still be "compound" with the meaning that they have multiple stages of magnification. See related links.

How did the compound light mocroscope get its name?

The compound light microscope gets its name from its ability to use multiple lenses (compound) and light to magnify and observe objects. This type of microscope typically has two sets of lenses for magnification - the ocular lens (eyepiece) and the objective lens.

What is a light microscope that has two more lenses?

A compound microscope

What instrument uses light and lenses is used to view cells?

An optical microscope uses light and one or more lenses to view cells. An optical microscope with two or more lenses is called a compound optical microscope.

What does the objective lenses on the microscope do?

The objective lenses on a microscope collects light and brings the specimens into focus.