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According to lunar geologists, the dust that covers the surface of the moon is called "regolith".

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

The lunar mare, which are large, dark areas, covers most of the lunar surface of the moon. Mare is the Latin word for sea, and these areas were once believed to be vast bodies of water. They are now known to be solidified lava plains formed by ancient volcanic activity.

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Q: What covers most of the lunar surface of the moon and what is it called?
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What is the surface of the moon called?

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The layer of gray debris that covers the moon is called?

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A solar eclipse is when the sun covers the moon. A lunar eclipse is when the moon covers the sun. TRC

What is covers the surface of the moon?

The material that covers the surface of the moon is called regolith, which is also called moon dust. Regolith is made up of the crushed fine powder of volcanic glass and rock fragments.

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