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North pole, sometimes n the year they have just sunlight all the time

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Florine Wiza

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Q: What country have more night time than day time?
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What country have more day time than night time?

North pole, sometimes n the year they have just sunlight all the time

Why is the air in the park fresher in the day than in the night?

In day time trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, making it available in more amount in the park. While at night time, they do the reverse. so the air in day time in the park is more fresh than at night time.

In what part of the day do plants more carbon dioxide than oxygen?

At night time.

Why are day school can learn more compare to night school?

Most humans are more active in the day time, than the night time, like when you are sleepy, you can't really pay attention.

Is visible light communication possible during day time?

Yes, more so than at night time

Why do bats sleep during daytime?

because more insects are out during night time than day time

Is there a country that do not experience night time?


What country has more time zones than Canada?

russia- 11 time zones hope this helps!

How can you say good night in the day time?

You can say "good night" when it is your day time, if you are talking to a person who is in a country where it is night time. When it is day time in Ireland, it is night time in Australia and New Zealand, and other places.

How long is night time on Howrse?

Night time is from 8 hours or more.

What time of the day are monkeys more active?

no, because they need time to rest and sleep at night.

Why do you think heavy traffics can be observed more in daytime than in night time?

More people are out during the day because of work, school, and shopping. Schools and most businesses are closed at night, so there is less traffic at night.