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weight.. Mass always stays the same

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Q: What changes with location mass or weight?
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When does the weight of a body change?

The weight of a body changes when there is a change in the gravitational pull acting on it. This can happen if the body moves to a different location where the gravitational force is different, like going from Earth to the Moon. The weight can also change if the mass of the body changes, as weight is a result of the force of gravity acting on an object's mass.

Does mass and weight change with location because the force of gravity changes?

Mass does not change with location because it is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. However, weight does change with location because it is the measure of the gravitational force acting on an object. So, an object will weigh less where gravity is weaker, like in outer space.

How the location of an object affect its mass and weight?

The mass of an object remains constant regardless of its location because it is a measure of the amount of matter present in the object. However, an object's weight, which is the force of gravity acting on it, can vary based on the location. Weight is dependent on the gravitational field strength, so an object will weigh less at a location with weaker gravity (such as in space) and more at a location with stronger gravity (such as on Earth).

Does mass or weight change?

Weight changes but, ordinarily, mass doesn't.

Why use mass and not weight?

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, while weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object. Mass is constant regardless of location, but weight changes depending on the strength of gravity. In scientific calculations and comparisons, mass is a more consistent and reliable measure.

What changes on the moon mass or weight?


How is mass and weight related to science?

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, while weight is the force with which gravity pulls on that object. Mass remains constant regardless of location, while weight changes depending on the strength of gravity. In science, mass and weight are important concepts for understanding the behavior of objects in different environments.

How much difference is there between the astronauts mass on earth and on the moon?

The mass will hardly change. What changes is the weight.The mass will hardly change. What changes is the weight.The mass will hardly change. What changes is the weight.The mass will hardly change. What changes is the weight.

Is the mass of an elephant on the moon the same as it's weight on the moon?

Mass and weight are two different things. Mass does not change, but weight changes depending on the gravity acting on the item. An elephant has the same mass on Earth, the Moon, or when weightless in orbit. The weights in each of those location will vary greatly.

State 3 differences between mass and weight?

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter an object contains, whereas weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity. Mass is constant regardless of location, while weight varies depending on the strength of gravity at a particular location. Mass is typically measured in kilograms or grams, whereas weight is measured in newtons or pounds.

Does mass change depending a person's weight?

Mass is an intrinsic property of an object that remains the same regardless of the object's location or the gravitational force acting upon it. Weight, on the other hand, depends on the gravitational force and is determined by the mass of an object and the acceleration due to gravity. So, a person's mass does not change, but their weight can vary depending on the gravitational force.

What changes depending on the location of an object?
