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Q: What celestial object is closet to earth?
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What celestial object is about 24000 miles from the earth?

There is no celestial object at that distance.

From your location what is the best definition of a celestial object?

From Earth, a celestial object is any object outside or above Earth's atmosphere.

What object in solar system is closet to earth?

That would be Earth's Moon, 'Luna'.

What is the nearest celestial neighbor?

The moonMoon is the closet celestial body.

What is the earth's nearest celestial neighbor?

The moonMoon is the closet celestial body.

What is a sattellite?

An object launched to orbit Earth or another celestial body.

Is cloud a celestial object?

No. A celestial object is an object in outer space, such as a planet, star, meteor or comet. Clouds are not in outer space, therefore they are not a celestial object.

What is the point were an azimuth originates?

Azimuth is the distance of a celestial object from the observer who is generally somewhere on the Earth's surface

Latitude in a definition?

the angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, or of a celestial object north or south of the celestial equator, usually expressed in degrees and minutes

What is the nearest object to earth?

The moon is the nearest celestial object to Earth, located approximately 238,855 miles away on average.

Why the star on the celestial sphere appear to move during the night when you observe them from earth?

It appears to move because it is a moving object and you are observing it from Earth.

How do you define a celestial body?

A celestial body is a natural object in space that is bound together by gravity. This can include planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and stars.