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What we perceive as color is specific wavelengths of light. Objects either emit or reflect light. Again depending on which wavelengths are either emitted or reflected is the color(s) we see.

In emitted colors, a given source emits light. If all wavelengths are emitted then what we see is white. The object may emit specific wavelengths of light or it may use some sort of filter that allows only specific wavelengths to pass through and blocks all others.

In reflected colors. the object or pigments of or on an object absorb all light wavelengths except certain ones. Those that are not trapped and are reflected or refracted back (as in the case of rainbows) we perceive as color(s).

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Q: What causes the apparent colors of the objects we see?
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What causes the apparent colors of the objects you see?

i think the answer is b

What objects are made up of all the colors of the rainbow?

Every thing. some objects reflect some colors(the colors that we see) and absorb all others(the ones we don't see). the colors that are reflected and blend to make all the different colors.

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The colors we see in opaque objects are produced when certain wavelengths of light are absorbed by the object and others are reflected. The reflected light is what we perceive as color. Different colors are seen based on which wavelengths of light are absorbed and reflected by the object.

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The variations in how much reflected sunlight we see as the Moon orbits Earth.

Are the colors of light that objects absorb the colors you see?

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What processes produce the different colors you see in opaque objects?

absorption and reflection of different wavelengths of light