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air masses with different characteristics such as temperature and humidity do not usually mix. so when two different air masses meet a boundary forms between them.

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3mo ago

Fronts are caused by the interaction of different air masses with varying temperature, humidity, and density. When these air masses meet, they can create boundaries where weather patterns change, leading to the development of fronts such as cold fronts, warm fronts, stationary fronts, and occluded fronts. Temperature contrasts, wind patterns, and pressure gradients are key factors in creating and defining fronts.

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Q: What causes fronts?
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None. Hurricanes are tropical systems that are not associated with fronts.

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It depends on how cold fronts and warm fronts come together in an area. For example: In New Orleans, it is a dense area and warms + cold fronts meet and cause a hurricane. (I don't mean to offend anyone from or anyone who live there.)

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Condensation and wind shear are both needed for tornadoes to form. Tornadoes can form along stationary fronts as well.

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The movement of wheather fronts from high pressure (cyclone) to low pressure systems(anticyclone).

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Weather is caused by the atmosphere responding to uneven heating of the Earth by the sun. The uneven heating results in temperature differences. These are what are known as cold fronts, warm fronts and other phenomena.

What is the wind effect on climate?

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