Jupiter's fast rotational period (less than 10 hours) causes sustained winds in excess of more than 400 mph. Because of this, Jupiter's clouds are elongated and appear to be strips. The effect is also caused by the atmospheric elements hydrogen and helium being manipulated by the winds.
Jupiter's stripy appearance is caused by its alternating bands of clouds, made up of different types of gas and ice particles. The light and dark bands are created by wind patterns that flow in opposite directions, resulting in the distinct stripes that we see on the planet's surface.
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Jupiter's length of day, as in its rotation period, is about 9.9 hours. This rapid rotation causes Jupiter to have an oblate shape, flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator.
Many newly detected extrasolar planets are called hot Jupiters because they are large, gaseous planets with characteristics similar to Jupiter, but they orbit very close to their host star. This proximity to their star causes them to have high surface temperatures, hence the term "hot."
Its Calisto,Ganymede,Europa, and Io
the sun because the moon doesnt make its own light
Me in July
The cast of Stripy - 1984 includes: Carlo Bonomi as Stripy
The correct spelling of the word is "stripy" which means having stripes.
something that rhymes with stripy is hippy :L xx
I don't think so, and I don't think stripy is a word.
Yes, it is (having or marked with stripes). It may be spelled stripy or stripey.
the shape of earth's orbit around the sun
The belts and zones of Jupiter result from the planet's convetion and it's rapid differential rotation.
streaky, stripy