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Gravity probably had some effect, but "van der Waals" forces are thought to

have been the main cause, in the early stages.

These are electrical forces between atoms, molecules, etc.

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8mo ago

Dust and condensing material accreted into planetesimals due to gravitational forces pulling these particles together. As they collided and stuck together, they gradually grew in size to become planetesimals. This process eventually led to the formation of protoplanets and, ultimately, planets.

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Q: What caused dust and condensing material to accrete into planetesimals?
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What caused dust clouds to form planets over time?

Dust clouds in space primarily consist of various elements and molecules. Over time, gravity causes these particles to clump together, forming larger and larger structures. As these structures continue to grow, they eventually coalesce into planetesimals, which further accrete material to form planets. This process of gravitational attraction and accretion is known as planetary formation.

What happened when the solar nebula began to collapse?

As the solar nebula began to collapse, gravity caused it to shrink and spin faster. This led to the formation of a protostar at the center, while the outer material flattened into a spinning disk. Within this disk, dust and gas started to clump together and eventually formed planetesimals, which further accreted to form planets.

After the solar nebula collapsed its center became very hot and?

dense, leading to the formation of the Sun. Gravitational forces caused the Sun's core to heat up and pressure to increase, triggering nuclear fusion and the start of its life as a star.

What caused rays around craters on the moon?

The rays around craters on the moon are caused by the ejection of material during an impact event. When a meteorite or asteroid strikes the moon's surface, it excavates material from beneath the surface and throws it outwards, creating the distinctive radial patterns known as rays.

What caused the galaxies and planets to form?

Galaxies and planets are thought to have formed from the gravitational collapse of vast clouds of gas and dust in space. Within these clouds, gravity caused the material to clump together, eventually leading to the formation of galaxies composed of billions of stars and planets within these galaxies.

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What caused dust clouds to form planets over time?

Dust clouds in space primarily consist of various elements and molecules. Over time, gravity causes these particles to clump together, forming larger and larger structures. As these structures continue to grow, they eventually coalesce into planetesimals, which further accrete material to form planets. This process of gravitational attraction and accretion is known as planetary formation.

What happened when the solar nebula began to collapse?

As the solar nebula began to collapse, gravity caused it to shrink and spin faster. This led to the formation of a protostar at the center, while the outer material flattened into a spinning disk. Within this disk, dust and gas started to clump together and eventually formed planetesimals, which further accreted to form planets.

Are steam shower nozzles supposed to drip water?

Yes. The drips are caused by steam hitting a cooler surface and condensing back into liquid water.

What is the movement of material caused by the interaction warm and cool material?

Convection Current

What are all the planetesimals in earth's solar system?

"Planetesimals" literally means "infinitely small planets", and in today's solar system, it refers to the tiny bits of rock - even dust - left over from the initial accretion of planetary material that formed the planets, trans-Neptunian objects and large asteroids. In modern usage, the word also includes pieces of meteorite that survive on the earth surface, and cometary bodies. Planitesimals are important to astronomers because - aside from whatever effects may have been caused by eons of solar bombardment - they represent a snapshot of what our very early solar system was composed of.

What is the movement of material caused by the interaction between warm and cool material?

Convection Current

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The movement of material due to differences in density caused by differences in temperature is called convection.

How did Saturn form?

Saturn likely formed from a spinning disk of gas and dust surrounding the young Sun about 4.6 billion years ago. Gravity caused the material in the disk to clump together and form rocky and icy planetesimals that eventually grew into Saturn.

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Material usage variance can be caused due to waste. Quality issues, such as defects, can result in material usage variance.

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Depending on the conditions but if you are certain that drains are clear then this may be caused by warm air from closet condensing on a/h

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The movement of material due to differences in density caused by differences in temperature is called convection. Warm, less dense material rises while cooler, denser material sinks, creating a circulating flow within a fluid.

Can it rain during an earthquake?

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