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Q: What can scientists learn about stars by studying them through a telescope?
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What have scientists learn with the hubble telescope?

Scientists have used the Hubble Space Telescope to make numerous groundbreaking discoveries, including the expansion rate of the universe, the age of the universe, and the existence of supermassive black holes. Hubble has also provided detailed images of distant galaxies, nebulae, and planets within our own solar system, leading to a better understanding of the cosmos.

What can scientists learn from a stars light?

Scientists can learn a star's composition, temperature, and age by analyzing its light. By studying the spectrum of light emitted by a star, scientists can identify the elements present in the star, determine its surface temperature, and estimate its age based on its brightness and color.

Is it true that scientists can learn about the chemical composition of stars by analyzing the light they transmit?

Yes, scientists can analyze the light emitted by stars, known as stellar spectra, to learn about their chemical composition. By studying the absorption and emission lines in the spectrum, scientists can identify the elements present in the star and their relative abundances. This information helps astronomers understand the processes happening within stars and how they evolve over time.

What did scientists learn by studying the rocks astronauts brought back from the moon?

Scientists learned important information about the moon's formation, history, and composition by studying the rocks brought back by astronauts. They found that the moon is much older than previously thought, provided evidence of past volcanic activity, and discovered similarities between moon rocks and certain rocks on Earth.

How do scientists think about rainbows?

Scientists can learn a large amount of information about light from rainbows.

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Is it difficult for scientists to learn about earths past environments by studying fossils?


How do scientists learn about earth's interior?

Scientists learn about Earth's interior using seismic waves from earthquakes. By analyzing how these waves travel through the Earth, scientists can determine the composition, density, and structure of the layers beneath the surface. Other methods include studying volcanic activity, laboratory experiments on rocks, and computer modeling.

What information can scientists learn from studying cells?

Scientists can learn about cellular structure, function, and interactions by studying cells. This can provide insights into diseases, processes like metabolism and growth, and how organisms develop and maintain their health. Studying cells also helps in advancing medical treatments and understanding biological mechanisms at a molecular level.

Scientists learn about prehistoric times by studying?

Archaeology, artifacts ect, and palaeontology/ paleontologists fossils ect.

Is it true that it is very difficult for scientists to learn about Earth's past environments by studying fossils?

No, it's False

Is the following sentence true or false it is very difficult for scientists to learn about earths past environments by studying fossils?

False. Scientists can learn a lot about Earth's past environments by studying fossils. Fossils provide valuable information about past climates, ecosystems, and the evolution of life on Earth. By studying fossils, scientists can reconstruct past environments and gain insights into how they have changed over time.

Studying earthquakes has helped scientists to learn more about what?

They have given us important information about the internal structure of the Earth.

How do you know about dinosaurs and their habitats?

I know about dinosaurs and their habitats from reading about them. Scientists learn about dinosaurs and their habitats by studying fossils.

Give are the three ways scientist can learn about earth's mantle?

Scientists can learn about Earth's mantle through seismic studies that analyze how seismic waves travel through the mantle, laboratory experiments that simulate mantle conditions, and by studying rare mantle-derived rocks that reach the Earth's surface through volcanic eruptions.

What do you call the kind of telescope that the scientist use?

Scientists typically use optical telescopes to observe and study celestial objects and phenomena in the universe. These telescopes gather and focus light to create detailed images of distant objects, helping scientists to learn more about the universe.

What is the change through history as scientists learn more about atom is called what is the change through history as scientists learn more about atom is called?

why are you searching it up? you should have known