Main Parts of a Sunspot are:
1. Umbra
(stronger magnetic field)
2. Penumbra
(weaker magnetic field)
They are solar prominences.
Sunspot maximum and sunspot minimum are the points in time (roughly 6 years apart) when the sun is producing the most, or the least sunspots. In the past this has been measured both by sunspot area and sunspot count and is directly tied to the solar magnetic cycle.
The average time between two successive sunspot minima is around 11 years, known as a solar cycle. This period is characterized by a decrease and increase in sunspot activity. However, the length of each solar cycle can vary, ranging from around 9 to 14 years.
The sunspot cycle lasts around 11 years. It is characterized by a period of increasing sunspot activity, followed by a period of decreasing activity.
The average sunspot cycle is approximately 11 years, with periods of high sunspot activity followed by lower activity levels. This cycle is known as the solar cycle or the sunspot cycle.
The basic parts of the sun are CORONA,SUNSPOT,and PROMINENCE.
They are solar prominences.
Magnetic field lines.
Prominence Sunspot in 1945
Sunspot maximum and sunspot minimum are the points in time (roughly 6 years apart) when the sun is producing the most, or the least sunspots. In the past this has been measured both by sunspot area and sunspot count and is directly tied to the solar magnetic cycle.
The average time between two successive sunspot minima is around 11 years, known as a solar cycle. This period is characterized by a decrease and increase in sunspot activity. However, the length of each solar cycle can vary, ranging from around 9 to 14 years.
A sunspot is a dark spot on the sun's surface. It is darker because it is cooler than most parts on the sun.
I'm not sure, but i know 1 is the corona! Betsy Swift
It has to be solar flares, supra-sunspots, solar wind, or prominences.