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I can only think of three parts at all! The gondola, the envelope (balloon) and the heat source. and the propane tanks

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2mo ago

The three essential parts of a hot air balloon are the envelope (the fabric part that holds the hot air), the burner (which heats the air inside the envelope), and the basket (where passengers or cargo are carried).

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Q: What are the three essential parts of a hot air balloon?
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What are three essential parts of a hot air balloon?

I can only think of three parts at all! The gondola, the envelope (balloon) and the heat source. and the propane tanks

What are the three main parts to a balloon?

The three main parts to a ballon is the ballon itself, the gas inside it (air or helium), and the knot that keeps the gas inside.

How many parts does a hot air balloon have?


What are three working forces on the hot air balloon?

Three working forces on a hot air balloon are lift (created by hot air inside the balloon being lighter than the surrounding air), gravity (pulling the balloon downward), and drag (resistance caused by the air as the balloon moves through it).

Why was the hot air balloon easier to invent than the airplane?

No moving parts!

What are the first three animals to ride in a hot air balloon?

The first three animals to ride in a hot air balloon were a duck, a rooster, and a sheep. This historic flight took place in 1783 in France, demonstrating the feasibility of manned flight in a hot air balloon.

Why is the size of balloon in the hot air balloon important?

The size of the balloon in a hot air balloon is crucial because it determines the amount of hot air it can hold, which in turn affects its ability to lift the basket and passengers. A larger balloon can hold more hot air and generate more lift, while a smaller balloon will have less lift capacity. Finding the right balance in size is essential for the balloon to safely and effectively carry its load.

Three main part of a hot air balloon?

one direction

How does hot and cold air have an effect on an balloon?

If there is warm air in the balloon, cooler air makes the balloon rise and if there is cold air in the balloon warmer air makes the balloon fall.

What three animals traveled in a hot air balloon?

a sheep, duck, and a rooster

Why will a hot air balloon rise and then float at a certain height in air?

A hot air balloon rises because the air inside the balloon is heated, making it less dense than the cooler air outside. As the hot air balloon rises, it eventually reaches a height where the temperature and density of the air inside the balloon and outside the balloon are approximately equal, causing the balloon to float at that height.

What are the parts of a hot air balloon?

A hot air balloon consists of an envelope (the fabric balloon), a basket or gondola where passengers stand, burners to heat the air inside the envelope, and fuel tanks. Additionally, there are control lines for steering and a parachute vent at the top of the envelope for releasing hot air.