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To place a satellite at a height of 300 km, the launching velocity

should atleast be about 8.5 km s-1 or 30600 kmph. If this high velocity

is given to the rocket at the surface of the Earth, the rocket will be

burnt due to air friction. Moreover, such high velocities cannot be

developed by single rocket. Hence, multistage rockets are used.

To be placed in an orbit, a satellite must be raised to the desired

height and given the correct speed and direction by the launching rocket

At lift off, the rocket, with a manned or unmanned satellite on top,

is held down by clamps on the launching pad. Now the exhaust gases

built−up an upward thrust which exceeds the rocket's weight. The clamps

are then removed by remote control and the rocket accelerates upwards.

To penetrate the dense lower part of the atmosphere, initially the

rocket rises vertically and then tilted by a guidance system. The first stage

rocket, which may burn for about 2 minutes producing a speed of

3 km s-1, lifts the vehicle to a height of about 60 km and then separates

and falls back to the Earth.

The vehicle now goes to its orbital height, say 160 km, where it

moves horizontally for a moment. Then the second stage of the rocket

fires and increases the speed that is necessary for a circular orbit. By

firing small rockets with remote control system, the satellite is separated

from the second stage and made to revolve in its orbit.

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1w ago

The principles of satellite launching involve ensuring proper trajectory and velocity to reach the desired orbit. This includes precise calculations of launch angle, speed, and timing to overcome Earth's gravitational pull. Additionally, factors such as payload weight, atmospheric conditions, and rocket performance are considered to achieve a successful satellite launch.

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