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Some of the potential problems with Satellite Television is the high cost and too many channels.

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Q: What are the potential problems with satellite television?
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When did satellite television first begin broadcasting?

Satellite television first started broadcasting in 1962. Wikipedia is a great place to find out about satellite television and the history that brought us to where we are today with it.

Satellite Installation?

form_title=Satellite Installation form_header=Watch any channel you want with your new satellite TV! Don't worry about the installation- get the experts to do it for you. Have you ever had a satellite dish before?= () Yes () No () Unsure Do you currently have satellite installed? = () Yes () No () Unsure How many TVs do you need hooked up to the satellite?= {(),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} Do you live in a single family home, apartment, or condominium?=_

How satellite pictures of earth are made and transmitted?

Satellite pictures of Earth are taken by a camera mounted on a satellite in orbit, high above Earth's atmosphere. They are transmitted wirelessly over satellite signals, much like satellite TV.

Why do people have satellite dishes?

People have satellite dishes to receive television signals from satellites orbiting the Earth. These signals provide access to a wide range of TV channels and programs. Satellite dishes are often used in areas where traditional cable or internet-based TV services are not readily available.

Where was the first weather satellite invented?

The first weather satellite was invented in the United States. The TIROS-1 (Television Infrared Observation Satellite) was launched by NASA in 1960 and was the first satellite to successfully transmit weather images from space.

Related questions

What are some of the reception problems you have with satellite tv?

Some common reception problems with satellite tv could be- bad weather, tree blockage, objects sticking to your Dish, radar interference, dysfunctional distribution amplifier and locked up receivers.

Can I get satellite tv anywhere?

It is possible to still get satellite TV. However, you should be aware that the signal won't be as strong, and so you may experience many more problems getting it working correctly.

What are the benefits of having satellite tv?

Satellite TV is super. The price is competitive and the channel selections are superior. Customer service is great and bills can be paid online. There are always local technicians at the ready to help you solve any problems you may experience.

How satellite works and how is satellite?

Satellite TV is delivered by the means of communication satellite and received by a satellite dish and set-top box connected to the television set.

If your TV was made in 1987 will you have problems with satellite TV?

Yes, but you will need a converter for it. You can call your local tv station and they can tell you where to get a converter (possibly free) which will enable you to keep using the same tv.

Does fog affect satellite TV?

No fog does not affect Satellite TV.

Is satellite tv and satellite internet going to combine?

Satellite TV and High Speed Internet are bundles offered by the 2 major satellite tv providers in the US. The High Speed Internet via satellite package that they are offering is powered by WildBlue. Unfortunately, there is still no news if they are going to combine the service into 1 satellite dish. If you get satellite tv and a satellite internet package it will require professional installation, separate equipments, and a separate satellite dish.

What is the difference between satellite tv service and cable Don't they all receive there signals from a satellite?

The difference between satellite tv service and cable is satellite tv offers more channels and are more expenisve. No, they don't receive their signals from a satellite.

What is satellite receiver?

A satellite receievr, is a tv receiver, which connects to the satellite anntena, than to your tv, and decodes the information coming from the satellite signal into video and audio signal, so you can watch tv channels.

Will a satellite tv work without the box and only off of a spliter?

No. You must have a satellite receiver connected to the satellite dish that will decode the satellite transmissions and present it for display on your TV set.

How are pictures from TV stations transmitted to your homes?

It transmittes from a satellite far away to your satellite. It is like sound waves travelling throughout the world except it is the satellite transmitting waves to your satellite. The satellite is connected to a wire that leads from a satellite. That is how you watch you favourite TV shows!

Do satellite TV providers supply the satellite dishes?

Yes, satellite TV providers provide all the hardware when one subscribes to their service. The hardware usually includes a satellite dish, a receiver box with a personal video recorder, a remote and the satellite TV service.