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Q: What are the names of American space rockets?
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What are the names of the rockets?

Apollo, Ariane, Soyuz, Space Shuttle.

What are the names of the space shuttles that have exploded?

The space shuttles that have exploded are Challenger in 1986 and Columbia in 2003.

Will rockets work in space?

Yes. The space shuttle uses rockets in space to manuever.

What was names of the American space shuttles?

The names of the 6 American Space Shuttles were Enterprise, Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour.

Do rockets take animals to space?

yes rockets take animals to space

How does rockets aid in space exploration?

Rockets lift the astronauts into space to do their exploration.

Do rockets carry people to space?

Yes, rockets are vehicles that can carry humans into space. Crewed spacecraft such as the SpaceX Crew Dragon and the Russian Soyuz spacecraft are launched into space atop rockets like the Falcon 9 and Soyuz rockets. Once in space, these spacecraft can dock with the International Space Station or travel to other destinations in space.

How do rockets move in space?

Rockets move in space by expelling gas at high speeds through their engines. According to Newton's third law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So when the rocket expels gas in one direction, it propels itself in the opposite direction.

What is the difference between space rockets and space shuttles?

space shuttles were made to be reusable, rockets were used only once

What is the names of two space rockets?

one of the most famous ones is the Saturn 5, which sent the Apollo Landers into space. another is the Ares 1, which will be the next rocket.

What rockets make it possible to travel into space?

Rockets such as the Saturn V, Falcon 9, and Space Launch System (SLS) have been used to successfully launch spacecraft and travel into space. These rockets generate enough thrust to overcome Earth's gravity and propel spacecraft beyond our planet's atmosphere into space.

How does a spacecraft get into space?

It is propelled into space by rockets