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the helmet, leg part and body

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

A space suit typically consists of a helmet, an upper torso garment (such as a pressure suit), gloves, lower torso coverings (such as pants), and boots. Each component is designed to provide protection against the harsh environment of space, including extreme temperature fluctuations, micrometeoroids, and lack of atmospheric pressure.

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Q: What are the main parts of a space suit?
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What are the most important part of a space suit and why?

All parts of a space suit are important, if any part fails it can lead to the death of the astronaut.

What are the mains parts in a space suit?

A space suit typically consists of several main parts: the pressure garment (which keeps the astronaut alive in the vacuum of space), the life support system (providing oxygen, temperature control, and waste management), the helmet (protecting the head and providing communication), gloves (allowing for dexterity and protection), and boots (providing mobility and protection).

What are main part of a space suit?

the helmet, leg part and body

What is the name of an astronaut suit?

It's called a space suit

What are the different parts of a space suit made out of?

probably metal and glass thats my guess

What are main parts in a space suit?

there are different types of space suits. the EMU (white space suits) used during the space shuttle extravehicular activities (EVA) or space walks have 5 main components. the HUT: Hard Upper Torso the LTA: Lower Torso Assembly (like the pants in a snow suit) the Gloves the Helmet and the PLSS: Primary Life Support System (the backpack that gives the astronauts their oxygen, regulates oxygen flow, regulates temperature, radio communication...)

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The space between the main parts of a painting is called negative space. Negative space refers to the area around and between the subject(s) of a painting, which helps define and emphasize the main elements of the composition.

What is space suit?

A space suit is a suit worn in space. This is necessary because of the vacuum and extreme conditions in outer space.

What are the three main parts on a keyboard?

backspace, space, shift

What are the four main parts to a space shuttel?

The four main parts of a space shuttle are the orbiter, which is the main part that astronauts live and work in, the solid rocket boosters, which help launch the shuttle into space, the external tank, which holds the fuel for the shuttle, and the main engines, which provide thrust during launch.

How do you get all the suits in dead space?

You have to buy some off of playstation store and Xbox Live, like the tank suit, obsidian suit, elite suit, etc. You get the military suit by completing the game on any difficulty or on hard. the main suit you upgrade:)

Why is it impossible to breathe in space without a space suit?

No air The space suit has air bottles