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Rilles. All trenches on the Moon a called by this appellation, since we don't know exactly what caused them [ i. e. , plate tectonics , erosion , or other terms we use for cracks on Earth ] .

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2w ago

The long deep cracks in the Maria Bedrock on the Moon are called rilles. These are narrow, trench-like depressions that can be several kilometers wide and hundreds of kilometers long. Rilles are thought to have formed from a combination of volcanic and tectonic processes.

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Q: What are the long deep cracks in the Maria Bedrock on the Moon called?
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What are cracks in the moon's bedrock called?

Cracks in the moon's bedrock are called "faults" or "fractures." These features are caused by stress and movement within the lunar surface, much like on Earth.

Cracks in the moon's bedrock are called A. highlands. B. rilles. C. maris. D. umbra.?

B. rilles. Rilles are long, narrow depressions on the Moon's surface that are typically formed by ancient lava flows or tectonic activity. They can appear as cracks in the bedrock when viewed from a distance.

What are cracks in the moon called?

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The deep narrow valleys on the Moon are called rilles. These are long, winding depressions that can stretch for many kilometers across the lunar surface. Rilles are thought to have been formed by a combination of ancient volcanic activity and tectonic forces.

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Dark flat areas on the Moon's surface?

These dark flat areas are called lunar maria, which are large basaltic plains formed by ancient volcanic activity. They have lower elevation compared to the surrounding highlands and were formed billions of years ago by lava flows filling in large impact basins.

The dark smooth plains on the moon are called?

The dark smooth plains on the moon are called lunar maria. They are vast, flat areas formed by ancient volcanic activity. Maria is the Latin word for "seas," as they were once believed to be bodies of water.