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it would be hard to maintain them if there in space. they would have to be programed in there heads how to charge them selves and how to fix themselves. if would be hard to keep up with them because they will break at one point so we would have to be able to send more up if needed but we would have to keep total control over them because we don't want anotherRevelution on our hands.

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Some disadvantages of robots in space include the limitations of their programming, inability to adapt to unexpected situations, reliance on communication with Earth for instructions, and vulnerability to technical malfunctions or damage in harsh space environments.

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Q: What are the disadvantages of robots in space?
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What are the disadvantages of sending robots into space?

Some disadvantages of sending robots into space include limitations in their ability to adapt to unexpected situations, the potential for technical malfunctions without immediate human intervention, and the inability to provide real-time decision-making capabilities in complex scenarios. Additionally, robots may not be able to perform tasks that require human-like dexterity or creativity.

Where are most robots used earth or space?

Most robots are used on Earth for various tasks such as manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and exploration. However, there are also robots used in space for missions like planetary exploration, satellite servicing, and space station maintenance.

Are Most robots are working in space?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of sending robots into space?

Advantages of sending robots into space include their ability to withstand harsh environments, conduct long-term missions, and gather data efficiently. Disadvantages include the risk of malfunctions without human intervention, limited adaptability to unforeseen situations, and challenges in performing complex tasks that may require human judgment.

Advantages of space robots?

Space robots can operate in harsh environments where it may be difficult for astronauts to work, reducing the risk to human life. They can also perform tasks more efficiently and for longer durations than humans. Additionally, robots can be designed and programmed for specific tasks, making them ideal for specialized missions in space.

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What is the name of robots which are used in space?

space robots

Disadvantages of robots in industry?

The robots are really expensive and are the reasons for much unemployment.

What are the disadvantages of sending robots into space?

Some disadvantages of sending robots into space include limitations in their ability to adapt to unexpected situations, the potential for technical malfunctions without immediate human intervention, and the inability to provide real-time decision-making capabilities in complex scenarios. Additionally, robots may not be able to perform tasks that require human-like dexterity or creativity.

Are there going to send more robots into space?

Yes, Robots will always be used in space.

What are names of a robot?

There are humanoid robots, military robots, insect robots, and space robots. There are more kinds of robots too.

What are some types of robots?

Military, Cleaning, Space Robots

Where are most robots used earth or space?

Most robots are used on Earth for various tasks such as manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and exploration. However, there are also robots used in space for missions like planetary exploration, satellite servicing, and space station maintenance.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of american military robots?

Advantage- Keeps soldiers out of danger by replacing some of their jobs with robots Disadvantage- Robots are expensive

What are the disadvantages of military robots?

Some disadvantages of military robots are their cost, lack of intelligence, and difficulty in programming. Unlike soldiers, they require close monitoring to ensure they function properly.

Where are space robots used?

The term space robots would only apply to a robot that is used in space. The human race has only a limited presence in space at the present time, and not a lot of robots in space. One could call the Mars rover a robot of sorts.

What is space robotics?

Space robotics refers to the use of robots in space.

What are the release dates for Robots in Space - 2013?

Robots in Space - 2013 was released on: USA: 17 February 2013 (internet)