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One advantage of using a sundial is that it utilizes natural sunlight, making it environmentally friendly and energy efficient. Additionally, sundials can be accurate if properly calibrated and adjusted for the specific location. They can also serve as decorative pieces in gardens or outdoor spaces.

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Q: What are the advantages of telling the time with a sundial?
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How did the sundial lead to your system of telling time?

by having it there

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How do you think the sundial led to our system of telling time?

Sundials casts shadow that points to the time represented by marks of numbers. The sundial tells the solar time.

What did the Mesopotamians use the sundial for?

The sun dial was used for telling time. The sundial would cast a shadow so people know what time of day it was by where the shadow fell.

What are the uses of the sundial?

you never ever need a battery

Disadvantages of telling time the olden way?

sundial could be in a shadow and give no clues

How can you tell time on a sundial when it's rainy?

You cannot accurately tell time on a sundial when it is rainy because the sun's rays are blocked by the clouds or rain. The shadow that the sundial casts is crucial for telling time, so without the sun, it's not possible to do so.

Why is a sundial not a reliable way of telling the time?

A sundial relies on the position of the sun to cast a shadow, meaning it only works during daylight hours. It is also affected by factors such as the season, latitude, and obstacles blocking sunlight, making it less accurate than a clock.

What was the next invention of telling the time after the Sundial?

reading the stars or the clock i would check somewhere else though to make sure

What was a Roman way of telling time?

The Romans told time by three methods. The first was the sundial. The second was the water clock. The third was simply by looking at where the sun was in the sky.

What did George Washington use to tell the time?

He used a portable sundial.

What is the name of the arm of a sundial?

The raised arm of a sundial that indicates the time of day by its shadow is the gnomon (NO-mon). A sundial has but one arm, what do you mean by secondary arm?