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Q: What are the advantages of sending people into orbit instead of space probes?
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What are the advantages of using space probes instead of crewed missions?

I think it might be because probes are cheaper and just in case something goes wrong, it would not end up resulting in loss of life. (Just an opinion though.)

What are some advantages and disadvantage of sending crewed missions instead of probes into space?

Advantages of crewed missions include the ability for humans to make real-time decisions, conduct complex tasks, and better cope with unexpected situations. Disadvantages include higher costs, greater risk to the crew's safety, and limitations on mission duration and distance due to life support requirements.

Are people finding new things in space?

there are no people in space. plenty of space though... A: At any given time at the moment, there are people building robotic vehicles, that will go out into the surface of mars. Probes are sent to the moon, and are now taking pictures of the dark side of the moon. There are plenty of sites such as NASA and others showing their progress. There may not be any alien out there, but if we keep sending probes further and further into space, we might be considered the alien's, sending probes into outer space, and studying new worlds.

Why is it cheaper to send space probes then people to other planets?

Sending space probes is cheaper than sending people to other planets because space probes are typically smaller, lighter, and require less infrastructure to support life support systems and return missions. Human missions have to account for the safety, health, and well-being of the astronauts, resulting in significantly higher costs. Additionally, space probes can be designed for specific tasks and don't require return trips, whereas human missions would need to account for the return journey.

What are the advantages of sending crewed mission instead of probes into space the disadvantages?

Sometimes the obvious answer is the right one. In general computers can break, malfunction and develop faults. Humans have a level of intelligence that computers and machines just can't have, so sending people into space is useful because they have senses like touch and can repair machines or pilot spacecraft. But, human life is sacred, there's (as you can understand) quite a risk associated with space travel. Humans are designed to live on earth; space is an unnatural habitat for us. If not careful, people could die on space missions etc.

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What are advantages and disadvantages of sending crews to space on space explorations and space probes?

pros: We can learn lots of things by sending crews and space probes. For without space probes how would we be able to tell the weather. cons: Many humans can die in space if there is a problem with the space craft and billions of dollars will be wasted.

Why is it cheaper to send probes to other planets instead of sending people?

Sending probes is cheaper than sending people because probes are much lighter and require fewer resources to sustain. Probes can be designed to operate in the harsh conditions of space without the need for life support systems, food, water, or accommodations, which significantly reduces costs. Additionally, the risks associated with sending people to distant planets make it a more expensive and complex endeavor.

What are the advantages of using space probes instead of crewed missions?

I think it might be because probes are cheaper and just in case something goes wrong, it would not end up resulting in loss of life. (Just an opinion though.)

Are people finding new things in space?

there are no people in space. plenty of space though... A: At any given time at the moment, there are people building robotic vehicles, that will go out into the surface of mars. Probes are sent to the moon, and are now taking pictures of the dark side of the moon. There are plenty of sites such as NASA and others showing their progress. There may not be any alien out there, but if we keep sending probes further and further into space, we might be considered the alien's, sending probes into outer space, and studying new worlds.

What are the advantages of sending crewed mission instead of probes into space the disadvantages?

Sometimes the obvious answer is the right one. In general computers can break, malfunction and develop faults. Humans have a level of intelligence that computers and machines just can't have, so sending people into space is useful because they have senses like touch and can repair machines or pilot spacecraft. But, human life is sacred, there's (as you can understand) quite a risk associated with space travel. Humans are designed to live on earth; space is an unnatural habitat for us. If not careful, people could die on space missions etc.

What are advanges of sending space probes into dangerous places than people?

People need air to breathe, food to eat, water to drink, efficient shielding from space radiation, temperature maintained within a small range, and they want to return to Earth, alive. Unmanned robotic probes don't.

Why is it better to put probes into space instead of humans?

i dono

What are some Advantages of a unamanned space probes?

An unmanned space probe is much cheaper than a manned space probe, and if you are not sending humans, basically no human lives are risked. Also, on very long trips, like to other solar systems, it is extremely problematic to send people on a trip from which they will never return.

How do scientists learn more about planets?

By observing them regularly using telescopes and by sending orbital or lander probes to them.

Why do you send out space probes insted of actual space flights with astronauts?

NASA occasionally sends out space probes instead of humans because astronauts could not survive on some of the places that space probes are sent to.

What do space probes not carry?


Why have you sent probes instead of astronauts to explore the distant areas of the solar system?

Simpler and cheaper.