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There is no fear of loss of human life and less resources are needed to keep a robot running than to sustain a life support system.

Astronauts are more capable than robots and more resourceful should something go wrong.

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Advantages of sending robots into space include their ability to withstand harsh environments, conduct long-term missions, and gather data efficiently. Disadvantages include the risk of malfunctions without human intervention, limited adaptability to unforeseen situations, and challenges in performing complex tasks that may require human judgment.

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of sending robots into space?
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What are the disadvantages of sending robots into space?

Some disadvantages of sending robots into space include limitations in their ability to adapt to unexpected situations, the potential for technical malfunctions without immediate human intervention, and the inability to provide real-time decision-making capabilities in complex scenarios. Additionally, robots may not be able to perform tasks that require human-like dexterity or creativity.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of sending people into space?

Advantages of sending people into space include advancing scientific knowledge, inspiring future generations, and developing new technologies. Disadvantages include high costs, health risks, and ethical considerations regarding the use of resources.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a manned space missions?

Advantages of manned space missions include the ability for humans to conduct real-time decision-making and problem-solving, as well as the potential for greater scientific discovery and exploration. Disadvantages include the high cost and risk associated with sending humans into space, as well as the limitations on how far and long humans can travel compared to unmanned missions.

What are the advantages of using robots in space?

Robots can perform tasks that are too dangerous or difficult for humans to do in space. They can also operate for longer periods of time without needing rest and can be more cost-effective than sending humans on certain missions. Additionally, robots can be designed to withstand extreme conditions in space, such as high radiation levels or temperature fluctuations.

Which do you think is a wiser method of exploration space missions with people on board or robotic space probes?

Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Sending people on space missions allows for flexibility and decision-making abilities that robots do not have, but it is more expensive, risky, and takes longer to plan. Robotic space probes are more cost-effective, safer, and can gather data in places too hazardous for humans, but they lack the adaptability and intuition of human astronauts. Ultimately, a combination of both methods can provide the most comprehensive exploration of space.

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What are the disadvantages of sending robots into space?

Some disadvantages of sending robots into space include limitations in their ability to adapt to unexpected situations, the potential for technical malfunctions without immediate human intervention, and the inability to provide real-time decision-making capabilities in complex scenarios. Additionally, robots may not be able to perform tasks that require human-like dexterity or creativity.

What are the effects of sending robots into space?

You find out new stuff bro.

What are advantages and disadvantages of sending crews to space on space explorations and space probes?

pros: We can learn lots of things by sending crews and space probes. For without space probes how would we be able to tell the weather. cons: Many humans can die in space if there is a problem with the space craft and billions of dollars will be wasted.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of sending people into space?

Advantages of sending people into space include advancing scientific knowledge, inspiring future generations, and developing new technologies. Disadvantages include high costs, health risks, and ethical considerations regarding the use of resources.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a manned space missions?

Advantages of manned space missions include the ability for humans to conduct real-time decision-making and problem-solving, as well as the potential for greater scientific discovery and exploration. Disadvantages include the high cost and risk associated with sending humans into space, as well as the limitations on how far and long humans can travel compared to unmanned missions.

What are the advantages of using robots in space?

Robots can perform tasks that are too dangerous or difficult for humans to do in space. They can also operate for longer periods of time without needing rest and can be more cost-effective than sending humans on certain missions. Additionally, robots can be designed to withstand extreme conditions in space, such as high radiation levels or temperature fluctuations.

Has any space missions landed on mars?

Quite a few; all robots. Some are still sending messages back.

Advantages and disadvantages of raid levels?

RAID provides two main advantages: space and data security

What is the name of robots which are used in space?

space robots

Which do you think is a wiser method of exploration space missions with people on board or robotic space probes?

Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Sending people on space missions allows for flexibility and decision-making abilities that robots do not have, but it is more expensive, risky, and takes longer to plan. Robotic space probes are more cost-effective, safer, and can gather data in places too hazardous for humans, but they lack the adaptability and intuition of human astronauts. Ultimately, a combination of both methods can provide the most comprehensive exploration of space.

What are some advantages of sending robots rather than humans to study planets?

Sending robots to study planets is safer and less costly than sending humans. Robots can withstand harsh environments, operate for longer periods, and collect valuable data without risking human lives. Additionally, robots do not require life support systems and can be more easily adapted to handle extreme conditions.