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Q: What are the 3 theories of the origin of the moon?
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Theory of the origin of the moon?

There are many theories to the creation of the moon. One theory is that it is a part of the Earth. Part of the molten earth that pulled away, but got caught in the gravitational pull of Earth.

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Scientists have proposed several theories of man's origin. Some of these theories are: the Creationist theory, the missing links theory and the out of Africa theory.

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The 3 economic theoies are the evolution theory, force theory, and the divine right theory. Hope this helped. ... I thought those were the origin theories, and you forgot the Social Contract Theory.

What are the problems With the other theories of how the moon formed?

Scientists n there theories are uncertain still of how the moon formed about'

Which answer is not one of the three theories of the Moon formation?

There are three main theories of how the moon came into existence. The theories are as follows: the moon was captured by Earth's gravitational pull, the moon was originally part of the earth's crust, or the earth and moon formed together out of the primordial nebula.

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What are some theories that are used to explain the origin of the earths moon?

The leading theory for the origin of Earth's moon is the Giant Impact Hypothesis, which suggests that a Mars-sized body collided with the early Earth, leading to the debris from this impact forming the moon. Other theories include the Capture Hypothesis, which proposes that the moon was formed elsewhere in the solar system and was then captured by Earth's gravity, and the Fission Hypothesis, which suggests that the moon was once part of the Earth and broke off due to centrifugal forces.

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Care, concern and control.

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Phil. are from sites from Asian countries

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the big bang or god

Is there a corner to the universe?

Not if the current theories about its origin and developments are correct.

Three theories of the origin of Philippine island?

the thoeriesof origin of philippine island is so dumb shet