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A hubble is unit of astronomical distance equal to 109 light-years or 9.4605 × 1024 meters.

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5d ago

Hubble is a space telescope that has provided stunning images of distant galaxies, nebulae, and other celestial objects. It has helped scientists better understand the universe's age, size, and expansion rate. Hubble has also made important discoveries, such as finding evidence for dark energy and observing distant exoplanets.

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Why was the hubble space telescope so effective?

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Was Edwin hubble a good scientist?

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The major advantage of the hubble space telescope over ther ground-based telescopes is that the hubble?

the hubble lets nasa see things at a greater angle then ever before. it lets them see things past Pluto which is a great distance away ____________________ The Hubble is in space, and doesn't have to look at things through a distorting, turbulent blanket of air 100 miles thick.

Why hubble spacecraft is used to explore space?

Hubble is the name of a giant telescope that is in space. It is known as the Hubble Space Telescope and it is named after Edwin Hubble, who was a famous astronomer. It is very large and because it is outside the Earth's atmosphere it can get a clearer view of the stars, constellations, galaxies and other things it looks at, compared to a ground-based telescope. It has got some wonderful photographs and many new things have been seen with it and many new things have been learned about space by using it. That is why it is so important.

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