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For a middle school aged child, you can find some excellent science fair solar system projects online. A great site to look for ideas is Look under the "Project Ideas" tab on that website.

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Q: What are some astronomy science fair ideas?
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Subdivision of astronomy?

Astronomy can be subdivided into different branches such as astrophysics, planetary science, observational astronomy, and theoretical astronomy. Each of these subdivisions focuses on different aspects of studying celestial objects and phenomena, such as the physics of stars and galaxies, the study of planets and other celestial bodies, and the development of theoretical models to explain astronomical observations.

What is astronomers have been unable to prove that it exists?

There are several speculative ideas in astronomy, which can't currently be proved - nor completely disproved. Some of these include wormholes; parallel universes; the possibility of time travel and faster-than-light travel.

What are good science fair project titles involving eyes?

"Do you see what eye see?" "Eyes, most important muscle." Those could be some good names ;D

What college would be best for space astronomy?

Some top colleges for space astronomy include institutions like MIT, Caltech, Harvard, and Stanford. These colleges are known for their strong programs in astronomy, astrophysics, and space sciences, providing students with ample research opportunities and resources to pursue a career in space astronomy. Ultimately, the best college for you would also depend on your specific interests and career goals within the field of space astronomy.

Was astronomy discovered by accident or was there a need for it?

astronomy was discovered by accident and there was a little need for it because some of the ancient people needed to have time

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What are some good ideas for high school science projects?

Good science fair projects could fall under a number of categories, including environmental science, astronomy, chemistry, and cooking/food science. For example, you could look at how light intensity from stars changes with distance.

Where could one find some inspiration for science fair ideas?

There are many science ideas to be found online. Sites such as Science Buddies, Kidz World, Cool Science Projects, and even Brown University feature dozens of science fair ideas for multiple abilities and grade levels.

What are some ideas for a science fair project?

i dont no i was hopin you would tell me...

What are some good 6th grade science fair ideas?

eating your butt

What are some good science fair ideas that involve horses?

1. Momentum of a horse.

What are some science fair ideas for electric cars?

Solar powered car, wind car.ect.

What are some science fair project ideas for 6th greade based on biomes?

why are dolphins dying off

What are some popular science fair project ideas?

One of the most popular science fair project and one you see on television shows everywhere is the volcano made from baking soda and vinegar. Some more fresh and not so used ideas include the molding process of bread and the science behind growing crystals.

What are some original science fair ideas?

Volcanoes, Hatching Eggs, Spaceships, and I like the candy or tornado tests

What are some Harry Potter related Science Fair ideas?

Maybe a broom that can fly using hoverboard techniques?

Can you get into science fairs or competitions as a junior in high school if you're intelligent and knowledgeable about various science topics but no prior science fair experience?

Yes. Get some help from a favorite science teacher. Have some interesting ideas to explore and start! Also you find information in the library or the internet about science fairs and ideas.