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Q: What are some antonmys for billow?
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Synonym of cloud?

It depends which form of cloud you're using.'a cloud of smoke' (noun): billow, blanket'the sky is cloudy' (verb): overcast, darken'cloud your judgement' (verb): obscure, muddy

How do you tell clouds apart?

Clouds can be classified into different types based on their appearance and altitude. Clouds are classified into four main types: cumulus, stratus, cirrus, and nimbus. These categories can further be broken down into subtypes based on their specific characteristics, such as shape, height, and color. Meteorologists and cloud enthusiasts use these classifications to identify and describe the various cloud formations in the sky.

What are all the names of the clouds?

High-Level CloudsCloud types include: cirrus and cirrostratus.Mid-Level CloudsCloud types include: altocumulus, altostratus.Low-Level CloudsCloud types include: nimbostratus and stratocumulus.Clouds with Vertical DevelopmentCloud types include: fair weather cumulus and cumulonimbus.Other Cloud TypesCloud types include: contrails, billow clouds, mammatus, orographic and pileus clouds.A:The ten main types of clouds, in order of their usual approximate height above sea level, are cirrus, cirrostratus, cirrocumulus, cumulonimbus, altostratus, altocumulus, cumulus, stratocumulus, nimbostratus, and stratus.

Why rainy clouds are reddish during night?

Different colours of the clouds is due to the water particles in the clouds and the extent of reflection of light. The darker rain clouds are so because they contain many droplets of water. The clouds seem to turn red at night or in the morning due to the way the sun reflects of the water particles as it sets or rises - this is why the saying "red sky at night, sheperds delight" exists, it is thought that the fact the clouds are red at night means that by morning, they will either have dissipated or rained during the night before they are due to work. Red sky in the morning means there are clouds and it may rain. The different shades of grey are the way the light is reflecting on the "shapes" of the clouds, some billow out more and reflect the sun, others are, technically speaking, in shadow.

Did men really land on the moon in 1969?

Yes, men did land on the moon in 1969 as part of the Apollo 11 mission. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first people to walk on the lunar surface. The mission was widely documented and verified by various sources.

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What are some things that cause a billow?

Some things that cause a billow are when the wind gets caught in the sails of a boat and when one has sheets on the washing line and the wind gets caught in them.

How do you use the word billow in a sentence?

The word 'billow' functions as both a verb and a noun.Examples:We watched the clouds billow in the breeze. (verb)A billow of smoke from the campfire enveloped the campers. (noun)

A sentence for billow?

I saw a huge billow down by the beach yesterday!

Antonmys of start?

end finish complete terminate

What is a billow?

A billow is a large wave, surge, or undulation of something, such as water, smoke, or a sound.

What is a billow maiden?

A billow maiden is any of the nine daughters of the sea-god Ran in Norse mythology.

Is a billow a noun or a verb?

The word 'billow' is both a noun (billow, billows) and a verb (billow, billows, billowing, billowed).The noun billow is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a large undulating mass, such as a cloud, smoke, or steam; a rolling mass like a high wave; a word for a thing.The verb to billow is to to fill with air and swell outward; to rise or roll in waves.

Can you give me sentence using this word billow?

He watched the cumulus clouds billow as the winds blew them over the mountaintop. (verb) A huge billow of smog engulfed the valley below the factory. (noun)