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David Macejkovic

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2y ago
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14y ago

Believe it or not they are actually called highlands. The alternative usage is terrae.

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Q: What are highlands of the moon called?
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What are the light and dark areas on the moon?

the light areas of the moon are called the highlands. the dark areas are called maria.

What are the moon's heavily cratered regions called?

The heavily cratered regions on the moon are called the highlands or the lunar highlands. These areas are older and have more craters compared to the smoother maria regions.

What are the light area on the moon called?

The lighter-colored regions of the moon are called Highlands

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What are the lighter patches on the moon called?

The lighter coloured regions of the Moon are called highlands or less commonly as terrae.

What are the light colored mountainous regions on the moon called?

The light-colored mountainous regions on the moon are called the lunar highlands. These areas are characterized by their rugged terrain, bright appearance, and higher elevation compared to the darker, smooth plains known as the lunar maria.

Is the lunar highlands located on earth or the moon?

The Lunar (Clue) Highlands are located on the Moon

What are the Moon's highlands?

The Moon's highlands are rugged, mountainous areas on the lunar surface that are characterized by higher elevation and rough terrain. These regions are older than the maria (the dark, smooth plains) and are believed to have formed early in the Moon's history due to intense meteorite impacts that caused the crust to bulge and crack.

What are the bumps on the moon called?

The bumps on the moon are called lunar mountains or lunar highlands. These features are formed from impact events and volcanic activity on the moon's surface.

What are the light spots of the moon named and what are they?

The light spots on the moon are called lunar highlands and they are elevated regions made up of ancient crustal rocks. These areas appear brighter than the dark lunar maria because they reflect more sunlight.

What is the moon highlands?

its a terrae

What are the light areas of the moon called?

The light areas on the moon are called highlands or terrae. These regions are characterized by rugged terrain and are typically brighter in color compared to the darker regions known as maria.