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Dr. A.J.E. Cave gave a paper at the International Congress of zoology in 1958 in which he concluded that a skeleton found in France was not an Neanderthal but was of an elderly human who suffered from Arthritis. The implication is that Neanderthals never existed.

World population growth rate in recent times is about 2% per year. Practicable application of growth rate throughout human history would be about half that number. Wars, disease, famine, etc. have wiped out approximately one third of the population on average every 82 years. Starting with eight people, and applying these growth rates since the Flood of Noah's day (about 4500 years ago) would give a total human population at just under six billion people. However, application on an evolutionary time scale runs into major difficulties. Starting with one "couple" just 41,000 years ago would give us a total population of 2 x 1089. 9The universe does not have space to hold so many bodies.

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2mo ago

There is a robust body of scientific evidence supporting the theory of evolution, including fossil records, comparative anatomy, embryology, and molecular Biology. Claims that deny evolution typically stem from misunderstandings or misinterpretations of this evidence. It is important to approach the topic with an open mind and rely on peer-reviewed scientific research for accurate information on evolution.

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9y ago

There are no facts that prove evolution not to be real. It is a very well-attested scientific theory. Charles Darwin spent several decades of his life researching and proving the theory. I have carefully read Darwin's The Origin of Species, considered to be one of the great scientific works of the nineteenth century, and can attest both that he made an excellent case for natural selection and that he was totally convinced of the validity of the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.

One spurious suggestion is that because the first Neanderthal skeleton ever found in Europe had arthritis, the Neanderthals never existed. In fact, the realisation that this Neanderthal person had arthritis only corrected our image of them as strangely stooped. Hundreds of Neanderthal skeletons have since been found, at many locations, so the former existence of this species of human is not in doubt.

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Why is there no way to prove if gods real but a way to get to the moon?

Proving the existence of a god or deity is based on faith and belief, which are subjective and personal experiences. The ability to reach the moon is based on scientific knowledge, technology, and engineering principles which can be tested and verified through experimentation and observation. The two concepts belong to different realms of understanding - spirituality and religion vs. physics and space exploration.

Are stars real?

Yes, stars are real. They are massive celestial objects made primarily of hydrogen and helium that generate light and heat through nuclear reactions in their cores. Stars are fundamental to the structure and evolution of galaxies, including our own Milky Way.

Is moon landing is a fake?

I choose to believe that it isn't and you should believe the same. Don't question such a historic landmark unless you have facts to prove otherwise. Yes, there have been documentaries and people coming up with absurd statements. These documentaries are there to make money.

Is the god Zeus real?

Yes, he is a real deity in Greek Mythology, the religion of ancient Mediterranean peoples.AnswernoAnswer:A religions' god(s) are real to its adherents. In the case of Zeus he had his followers and believers (and may still have some) and so he was real to them. There is no defendable test to prove the existence of any god and all must be regarded as equally real or unreal to an unbiased observer.

What is a good science fair title dealing with star life cycle?

"Stellar Evolution: From Birth to Death"

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Science has no capacity to completely prove something... However these are some facts that make it likely to be true. - An extensive fossil record which completely conforms to predictions. - Observing evolution in action (such as the flu virus changing ever year, the HIV virus changing all the time, speciation in plants and animals in non-lab environments, lab experiments etc). - Paternity testing (the techniques used in paternity testing are also used to demonstrate how closely related different species are). - DNA (all organisms use the exact same code for proteins) - similarities in phylogeny (why do we share so many features with other organisms?) - similarities in DNA conform to the predictions made by evolution

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No facts currently known to science contradict the fundamental theses of evolutionary theory.

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