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Explosions in space are often referred to as supernovae or space bursts. These phenomena can occur when stars reach the end of their life cycle and explode in a burst of energy, releasing shock waves and radiation into space.

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How can the space travelers on board in the space heard the explosions in the space?

I'm not sure which explosions you're referring to. But if an explosion were tooccur near a manned spacecraft, the people on board could not hear it.

How high can explosions get on the Sun?

These can extend for literally miles into space.

What actually are Supernovas?

Supernovas are the explosions of large stars in space.

Why do explosions happen?

explosions happen because there is a chemical called acid that makes it explode

What are the Deadly Explosions from the Volcanoes called?

There called Treeruptions.

What is a person who studies explosions called?

I think something along the lines of pyrotech?

Why can't you hear an explosions in space?

What do you mean by a space ? If it is a vacuume, then the sound waves do not travel trough it. -Prakash Landge, India.

Did Sally Ride die in any of the space shuttle explosions?

No, Sally Ride did not die in any of the space shuttle explosions. She was the first American woman in space and was part of the Challenger mission that tragically ended in an explosion, but she did not perish in the accident.

What is it called when pop builds up pressure?

It is called "overpressure" or "excessive pressure buildup." This occurs when gas or vapor builds up within a confined space, causing increased pressure that can lead to potential hazards such as explosions.

Why can nuclear explosions on the sun not be heard on earth?

Sound cannot travel through the vacuum of space, so we cannot hear nuclear explosions on the sun from Earth. Sound requires a medium to travel through, like air, and space is empty. Additionally, the sun's explosions produce vibrations in the form of electromagnetic waves, which we can detect but not hear as sound.

What do distant supernova explosions release that is extremely dangerous to astronauts in outer space?

cosmic rays

Why are explosions cool?

Most explosions come from gas or methane leaks and as such are not controlled. They can hardly be called "cool" when they destroy buildings and take human lives. Even controlled explosions can malfunction, causing injuries and deaths.