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Q: What are daily activities in peoples lives which are affected by the movement of the sun?
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Which earth motion causes the apparent daily movement of the constellations?

The rotation of the earth around its axis.

How does the movement of earth cause the apparent daily and annual movement of the sun and star?

The earth is on a constant rotation and coincides with patterns of other stars as well as the sun and moon. Movement is natural in our atmosphere and always occurs.

How livelihood affected by the day and night cycle?

Livelihood can be affected by the day and night cycle in various ways. For example, certain businesses and services may operate predominantly during the day or night, impacting job opportunities. Additionally, individuals may have different schedules depending on the time of day, influencing work shifts and productivity levels. Lastly, access to resources and transportation can also be limited during specific times of the day, affecting daily activities and income opportunities.

Movement that causes shadows to change?

The movement of the sun across the sky during the day causes shadows to change. As the position of the sun changes, the angle and length of shadows cast by objects also change. This daily movement of the sun is responsible for the continuous shifting of shadows throughout the day.

How did the space race affect peoples lives?

The space race sparked increased investment in science and technology, leading to advancements in various fields such as telecommunications, material science, and medicine. It also inspired a generation of young people to pursue careers in STEM fields and contributed to the development of satellite technology that has since revolutionized communication and daily life. Additionally, the space race fueled competition between nations and served as a symbol of national pride and achievement.

Related questions

How does gravity influence peoples daily lives?

Gravity influences people's daily lives by keeping them grounded to the Earth, allowing objects to stay in place, and enabling movement. It affects activities like walking, driving, and ensuring that objects do not float away. Additionally, gravity is key in determining weight, strength, and balance in various physical activities.

What types of therapy may help patients with mitochondrial myopathies?

Physical therapy helps extend the range of muscle movement. Occupational therapy helps with positioning and mobility devices, and trains the affected individual in strategies designed to accomplish self-care and activities of daily living

How does your daily activities affect your body mass?

Daily activities, such as exercise and movement, can help maintain a healthy body mass by burning calories and improving metabolism. Pairing physical activity with a balanced diet can help manage weight by promoting muscle mass and reducing excess fat. Consistency in daily activities is important for long-term maintenance of body mass.

What muscles and joints are involved in normal developmental movement?

All the synovial joints that are used in normal daily activities, like the muscles and joints of the arms and legs.

How do ppl who cannot move some parts of their body do their daily activities?

They do their daily activities with mechanical hands they have.

What are the daily activities?

blaze it

What are the daily activities of people that involves biology?

I learnt living things use the biological acronym M.R.S.F.R.E.G. Mrs Freg is movement, respiration, sensitivity, feeding, reproduction, excretion and growth, unless we perform these activities i doubt we are active.

Where can one find a list of activities for daily living?

Daily living activities have been shown to be beneficial to patients with Alzheimer's. There is a website called Best-Alzheimers-Products that shows a helpful list of daily activities.

What are ALL the daily activities on webkinz?

If you go to: They have a list of the daily activities for about a week in advance. :D

What are some daily activities for a black bear?

Some daily activities for the black bear are hunting its prey to feed its young.

What is human movement?

The human-potential movement is a term used for humanistic psychotherapies that first became popular in the 1960s and early 1970s.

What were some aspects of the indigenous peoples daily life?

Indigenous peoples' daily life often revolved around activities such as hunting, gathering, fishing, agriculture, and crafting tools and clothing. They had close relationships with nature and practiced traditional ceremonies and rituals to honor the land and their ancestors. Family and community were important aspects of their social structure, with a strong emphasis on sharing resources and working collectively.