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It has helped the scientists predict the weather, learn how the planets actually are, and understand what space actually is.

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  1. Space exploration has led to advancements in technology, such as satellite communication and weather forecasting systems.
  2. Discoveries from space missions have provided insights into the origins and evolution of the universe, planets, and celestial bodies.
  3. Space exploration enables scientists to conduct experiments in microgravity environments, leading to discoveries in various fields such as medicine and materials science.
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Q: What are 3 ways space exploration has helped scientists?
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How did Apollo change space exploration?

Apollo played a major role in advancing space exploration by achieving the first manned moon landings, demonstrating the capabilities of humans to travel beyond Earth's orbit. The technology developed during the Apollo missions laid the foundation for future space exploration missions, paving the way for the International Space Station, Mars rovers, and beyond. Additionally, the Apollo program captured the imagination of people worldwide and inspired generations of scientists, engineers, and astronauts.

What are the two ways scientists explore space?

light telescopes and radio telescopes whether installed on earth or on space vehicles

When did the US begin space exploration?

The United States began space exploration in earnest with the establishment of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in 1958. NASA was created in response to the Soviet Union's successful launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, in 1957, marking the start of the space race between the two superpowers.

How does gravity affect space exploration?

Gravity affects space exploration in several ways. It influences the trajectory of spacecraft, the orbits of planets and other celestial bodies, and the energy needed to launch and navigate spacecraft. Understanding and accounting for gravity is essential for planning missions, calculating fuel requirements, and ensuring successful exploration of outer space.

What contributions have Canadian researchers made to space exploration?


Related questions

How did Apollo change space exploration?

Apollo played a major role in advancing space exploration by achieving the first manned moon landings, demonstrating the capabilities of humans to travel beyond Earth's orbit. The technology developed during the Apollo missions laid the foundation for future space exploration missions, paving the way for the International Space Station, Mars rovers, and beyond. Additionally, the Apollo program captured the imagination of people worldwide and inspired generations of scientists, engineers, and astronauts.

Has the space shuttle changed?

Yes it has. There are many different ways listed here:

What are the two ways scientists explore space?

light telescopes and radio telescopes whether installed on earth or on space vehicles

When did the US begin space exploration?

The United States began space exploration in earnest with the establishment of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in 1958. NASA was created in response to the Soviet Union's successful launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, in 1957, marking the start of the space race between the two superpowers.

How did the cold war influence foreign aid and the space program?

In some ways Kennedy's commitment to the space program was an extension of the Cold War. Kennedy wanted to surpass the Russians in space exploration. It was a contest of technology.

How does gravity affect space exploration?

Gravity affects space exploration in several ways. It influences the trajectory of spacecraft, the orbits of planets and other celestial bodies, and the energy needed to launch and navigate spacecraft. Understanding and accounting for gravity is essential for planning missions, calculating fuel requirements, and ensuring successful exploration of outer space.

What area do you think should be stress in space exploration?

At the moment, the only problems with space exploration are money, biology, and speed. Money aside, the last two, biology and speed, are very relate-able. Rockets are extremely slow, considering the scope of space. This wouldn't be a problem if humans could live forever, or if we were unaffected by space. Unfortunately, neither of these are at all true. This is why biology is extremely important. Researching ways to survive radiation and have populations not only survive but thrive in space are the greatest challenges in space exploration and must have the most stress put upon them.

What contributions have Canadian researchers made to space exploration?


What are 2 ways in which scientists can show creativity?

Scientists show creativity by expirimenting in different ways.

What ways has atomic power helped us?

Atomic power has helped us generate electricity efficiently and at a large scale, reducing dependence on fossil fuels. It has also been used in medical applications such as cancer treatment and in industrial processes like sterilization. Additionally, atomic power has played a role in space exploration by providing energy for spacecraft on long-duration missions.

How did the NASA program Effect people?

The NASA program has had a significant impact on people by advancing space exploration, generating technological innovations that benefit society, and inspiring future generations to pursue careers in STEM fields. NASA's accomplishments have also led to a better understanding of our universe and the potential for future human space exploration.

How did exploration contribute to the scientific revolution?

exploration would have helped in many ways for example look at the arctic that is how scientist know about global warming plus magnetic fields after that their are many other things that help look at geographers their job is to understand the landscape that later can help many scientist