They are solar prominences.
Solar prominences, they are loops of plasma captured by magnetic flux lines linking individual sunspots.
These loops are called penumbral fibrils. They are structures of hot gas in the sun's photosphere that connect different parts of sunspots, contributing to the magnetic activity and energy transfer within those regions.
Those are known as umbral dots or light bridges. They are regions of intense magnetic fields on the Sun's surface that appear as bright, thread-like structures connecting different parts of sunspots. These features are often associated with increased solar activity and can be indicators of sunspot evolution.
The two parts of a sunspot are the dark central region called the umbra and the lighter surrounding region called the penumbra. The umbra is cooler than the surrounding regions and is where the magnetic field is most intense.
They are solar prominences.
Solar prominences, they are loops of plasma captured by magnetic flux lines linking individual sunspots.
Solar prominences, they are loops of plasma captured by magnetic flux lines linking individual sunspots.
These loops are called penumbral fibrils. They are structures of hot gas in the sun's photosphere that connect different parts of sunspots, contributing to the magnetic activity and energy transfer within those regions.
Those are known as umbral dots or light bridges. They are regions of intense magnetic fields on the Sun's surface that appear as bright, thread-like structures connecting different parts of sunspots. These features are often associated with increased solar activity and can be indicators of sunspot evolution.
It has to be solar flares, supra-sunspots, solar wind, or prominences.
Magnetic field lines.