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Well, my friend, interstellar space can vary in temperature, but usually it's around minus 270 degrees Celsius. The Universe is a vast and beautiful place, filled with all sorts of temperatures and colors. Just remember to stay warm out there and appreciate the wonder of nature.

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1mo ago
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1mo ago

Well, honey, interstellar space can be a downright chilly place, with temperatures dipping down to a frigid 2.7 Kelvin (-454.8 degrees Fahrenheit). So, if you were thinking of throwing on a light jacket for a stroll outside your spacecraft, you might want to rethink that fashion choice.

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Lvl 1
1mo ago

Oh, dude, the average temperature of interstellar space is like, super chilly, around 2.7 Kelvin. That's like, colder than my ex's heart, man. So, if you ever find yourself lost in space, remember to bring a jacket!

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1mo ago

The average temperature of interstellar space, also known as the cosmic microwave background temperature, is approximately 2.725 kelvin (-270.425 degrees Celsius or -454.765 degrees Fahrenheit). This temperature represents the thermal radiation left over from the Big Bang and is relatively uniform throughout the universe, with slight fluctuations due to changes in density and other factors.

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1mo ago

The average temperature of interstellar space is around 2.7 Kelvin, which is equivalent to -454.8 degrees Fahrenheit or -270.4 degrees Celsius.

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