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No, the space shuttle does not have the capability of reaching the Moon safley.

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No, the space shuttle Challenger was not going to the moon. The Challenger mission STS-51L was a planned space shuttle launch to deploy a communications satellite and perform various experiments in low Earth orbit. Tragically, the Challenger disintegrated shortly after liftoff on January 28, 1986.

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Is challenger one of the moon landings?

The Challenger is a space shuttle.

Has a space shuttle landed on the moon?

No, space shuttles have never landed on the moon. The space shuttle program was primarily focused on low Earth orbit missions, such as servicing the International Space Station and deploying satellites. The moon landings were conducted by different spacecraft and programs, such as the Apollo missions.

What US space shuttle landed on the moon?

None. The space shuttle is not capable of going to the moon. The only manned spacecraft to go to the moon were the lunar landers of the Apollo missions, which took place before the first space shuttle was built.

How long does it take to get to the moon with a space shuttle?

It takes approximately three days for a space shuttle to travel from Earth to the moon. The exact duration can vary based on the specific trajectory and speed of the spacecraft.

What is the name of the space shuttle to land on moon?

The space shuttle that landed on the moon was called Apollo. The Apollo missions were a series of manned missions conducted by NASA during the 1960s and 1970s, with Apollo 11 being the first to successfully land astronauts on the moon in 1969.

How many space shuttles crashed before we got to the moon?

None, the space shuttle had not been designed until after we quit going to the moon.

Did Sally Ride go on the moon?

No, Sally Ride did not go to the moon. She became the first American woman in space when she flew on the space shuttle Challenger in 1983. The moon landings were done by the Apollo astronauts in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

What is the name of the next space shuttle going into space?

The next space shuttle going into space is the Space Launch System (SLS) Artemis I mission, which is an uncrewed test flight around the Moon.

Did the space shuttle discovery make it to the moon?

No, the Space Shuttle Discovery did not travel to the moon. The space shuttle program focused on missions to low Earth orbit, not missions to the moon.

Was a rocket the first to touch the moon or was it a space shuttle?

Space Shuttle.

What was the first space shuttle to go to the moon and back to earthwhat was the space shuttles name?

No space shuttle has been to the moon and back.

What is the largest space shuttle?

The Space Shuttle orbiter, with a length of 122.17 feet and a wingspan of 78.06 feet, was the largest space shuttle. The Space Shuttle program operated a total of five orbiters: Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour.