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Yes, James A. Lovell was married when he went to space. His wife, Marilyn Lovell, was a supportive presence during his missions, including the Apollo program missions.

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Q: Was James A Lovell married when he went to space?
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Jim Lovell went on four space flights during his career as an astronaut. He flew on Gemini 7, Gemini 12, Apollo 8, and Apollo 13 missions.

What are the three names of the men who went on the Apollo 13 mission?

The three astronauts who went on the Apollo 13 mission were James Lovell, Jack Swigert, and Fred Haise.

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John Swigert, Fred Haise, and James Lovell. There was supposed to be a fourth crew member but he ended up not going on the Apollo 13 mission and instead went on the Apollo 14 mission.

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The crew of Apollo 13 consisted of commander Jim Lovell, command module pilot Jack Swigert, and lunar module pilot Fred Haise.

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All Apollo missions consisted of three crew members. Apollo 13's crew was Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, and Jack Swigert.

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Born in cleveland on March 25, 1928; has four children; commanded the Apollo 13 mission (the one that went terribly wrong); Graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy.

Who went to the moon twice yet never landed on it?

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How many astronauts in Apollo 13?

There were three astronauts onboard Apollo 13: James Lovell, Jack Swigert, and Fred Haise.

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