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The last manned lunar mission, yes.

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Q: Was Apollo 17 the last lunar mission?
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What was the last Apollo mission to the moon?

The last Apollo mission to the moon was Apollo 17, which launched on December 7, 1972. It was the sixth and final mission in the Apollo program to land astronauts on the lunar surface.

What was the last Apollo missions to go to the moon?

The last Apollo mission to go to the moon was Apollo 17, which launched on December 7, 1972. It was the sixth and final mission of the Apollo program to land humans on the Moon.

What Apollo mission was the last mission to the moon?

The last Apollo mission to land on the moon was Apollo 17 in December 1972. Commander Eugene Cernan and Lunar Module Pilot Harrison Schmitt spent three days on the lunar surface conducting experiments and exploring the Taurus-Littrow valley.

Distinction of the Apollo 17 lunar mission?

Apollo 17 saw the first scientist, Geologist Harrison "Jack" Schmitt, as a member of the crew. Apollo 17 was also the last of the Apollo program.

When was the last time someone last was seen on the moon?

The last manned lunar mission was Apollo 17 in December 1972

Who was the last mission to go to the moon?

The last mission to the moon was Apollo 17, which landed on the lunar surface in December 1972. This mission was the sixth and final crewed lunar landing of the Apollo program, and the astronauts conducted a series of experiments and explorations during their stay on the moon before returning to Earth.

Last time man landed on the moon?

The last time a manned mission landed on the moon was during the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972. This was the sixth and final mission of the Apollo program and marked the last time humans walked on the lunar surface.

What is the last Apollo mission?

Apollo 17

How many space Apollo missions have there been?

There were a total of 19 Apollo missions: Apollo-1A : Unmanned suborbital flight Apollo - 2 : Unmanned orbital flight Apollo - 3 : Unmanned suborbital flight Apollo - 1 : Manned orbital mission, cancelled due to fatal accident. Apollo - 4 : Unmanned orbital flight Apollo - 5 : Unmanned orbital flight Apollo - 6 : Unmanned orbital fligth Apollo - 7 : Manned orbital mission Apollo - 8 : Manned lunar orbit mission Apollo - 9 : Manned orbital mission Apollo -10 : Manned lunar orbit mission Apollo- 11 : Lunar Landing mission Apollo- 12 : Lunar Landing mission Apollo- 13 : Lunar Landing mission, aborted due to accident Apollo- 14 : Lunar Landing mission Apollo- 15 : Lunar Landing mission Apollo- 16 : Lunar Landing mission Apollo- 17 : Lunar Landing mission Apollo -18 : Space rendevous mission with Soviet Soyuz spacecraft (Apollo-Soyuz)

What date did the last man walk on the moon?

Eugene Cernan holds the title of the last man to walk on the moon. This happened because he was last to enter the Lunar Module after their last EVA on 12th December 1972. Apollo 17 was the last Lunar Mission.

Was there another Apollo mission?

There were 17 Apollo missions, 11 of which were manned, and 6 of which landed on the lunar surface.

What was the last manned Apollo mission to the Moon?

Apollo 17