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Had no effect at all, except for those satellites which were attempting to measure biodiversity.

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Q: WE launched many artificial satellites around our Earth for different purposes .What do you think about the impact of artificial satellites and their radiation on bio diversity?
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What is the main energy source of the satellites?

The main energy source for satellites is solar power. Solar panels on the satellite's surface collect sunlight and convert it into electricity to power the satellite's systems and instruments. This allows satellites to operate for extended periods of time in space.

What are the disadvantages of satellites?

Disadvantages of satellites include high costs for manufacturing and launching, vulnerability to space debris and damage from solar radiation, limited lifespan due to fuel constraints, and potential for signal interference.

Name the first artificial satellite launched by United States?

The first artificial satellite launched by the United States was called Explorer 1. It was launched on January 31, 1958 and made important discoveries about the Earth's radiation belt.

How are the 3 forms of radiation from the sun different?

The three forms of radiation from the sun are infrared radiation, visible light, and ultraviolet radiation. Infrared radiation has longer wavelengths and is felt as heat, visible light is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that humans can see, and ultraviolet radiation has shorter wavelengths and can cause sunburn and damage to the skin.

Can television satellites which broadcast information as electromagnetic radiation send signals from the vacuum of space?

i should imagine its because EM waves can travel through a vacuum so that's why it is possible for satellites to broadcast information from impulse signals sent from outer space

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What has the author David Parry Rubincam written?

David Parry Rubincam has written: 'Earth albedo and the orbit of Lageos' -- subject- s -: Tracking, Artificial satellites, Albedo 'Lageos orbit decay due to infrared radiation from earth' -- subject- s -: Artificial satellites, Infrared radiation, Orbits

What has the author E G Stassinopoulos written?

E. G Stassinopoulos has written: 'Topex orbital radiation study' -- subject(s): Artificial satellites, Extraterrestrial radiation

What has the author Brian Groveman written?

Brian Groveman has written: 'User's guide for ERB 7 MAT' -- subject(s): Artificial satellites, Terrestrial radiation

What is artificial radiation?

Artificial radiations is radiation that is cause by human activities. This radiation adds to the natural radiation that is around.

What has the author David Lukens Reasoner written?

David Lukens Reasoner has written: 'The Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite Program, CRRES' -- subject(s): Extraterrestrial radiation, Remote sensing, Earth sciences, Radiation effects, Atmospheric chemistry, Earth magnetosphere, Earth resources technology satellites, Chemical effects, Artificial satellites, Earth ionosphere

Who was the first to produce artificial radiation?

Wilhelm Röntgen is credited with producing artificial radiation in 1895 when he accidentally discovered X-rays while working with a cathode ray tube in his laboratory.

How do you make Artificial electromagnetic radiation?


Why is ultraviolet radiation not used to transmit information to and from communication satellites?


Recently two satellites are crashed with each other and formed a radiation belt around the earthWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of that radiation belt?

Advantages: Increased protection against solar radiation for satellites and astronauts. Potential for studying the impact of radiation on technology and human health. Disadvantages: Risk of interference with communication and navigation systems. Increased space debris from the collision, posing a hazard to other satellites and spacecraft.

What types of radiation can enter earths atmosphere?

The main types of radiation that can enter Earth's atmosphere are solar radiation consisting of ultraviolet, visible, and infrared light, as well as cosmic radiation from space. Additionally, artificial sources of radiation, such as radio waves from communication devices and microwaves from satellites, can also penetrate the atmosphere.

What is an example of an artificial sattelite that measures temperature?

Almost every satellite aside from communications satellites measures temperature. Weather satellites geostationary and polar orbiters measure infrared radiation and the temperature can be inferred when the emissivity of the radiation surface is known. While not always knowing this emissivity may seem to be a weakness it is actually use to determine characteristics of the radiation surface. A common example of a use of measuring temperature is that of thunderstorm cloud tops. The storms with the coldest cloud tops are either the heaviest rain producers or may even be severe (large hail and damaging winds).

How do you watch weather from space?

There are weather sattellites that orbit the Earth that can detect reflected radiation, emitted radiation, or radiation reflected only by water vapour as well as satellites that emit microwave radiation to detect the clouds or precipitation.