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the sun is currently a yellow dwarf star.

The Sun is classified as a G2V type star G2 signifying the second hottest type of the yellow g class stars with a surface temp of 5800K the roman numeral V signifies a yellow dwarf

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2mo ago

The sun is a main sequence G-type star, specifically a yellow dwarf. It is about 4.6 billion years old and is in the middle of its life cycle, converting hydrogen into helium through nuclear fusion in its core.

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Q: The sun is currently what type of star?
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Our Sun is a type G star.

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The sun is classed as a G2V star.

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A class G Medium Star. G2V star.

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The sun is a G-type main sequence star.

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Because the sun is a star, a yellow dwarf star (spectral type G2) to be exact.

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The Sun is a star, specifically a G-type main-sequence star, which is the star at the center of our solar system. It is not a planet or a nebula.

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The sun is classified as a G-type main-sequence star, specifically a G2V star. This means it is a yellow dwarf star.

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The sun is neither a red giant nor a supergiant. It is currently a main sequence star, which means it is in the stable part of its lifecycle where it fuses hydrogen into helium in its core.