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Q: The space shuttle was both a marvel and huge.?
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How can you rewrite this sentence The space shuttle was both a marvel and huge?

The space shuttle was not only huge, but a marvel to all those who witnessed it.

How would you fix the sentence The space shuttle was both a marvel and huge using parallel structures with linking verbs?

The space shuttle was both a marvel and huge.

What is the space shuttle currently docked to?

Hopefully my Ex - Girlfreind's huge fishy vagina!

How does the space shuttle reach space?

With a pair of solid fuel rocket boosters, a huge tank of liquid hydrogen and a little luck.

WHAT space is a rerusable spacecraft?

The Space Shuttle. It is almost all reusable except for the huge red fuel tank that pushes it up off the ground

What is the biggest vehicle?

the biggest vehicle is the Crawler. It moves the Space Shuttle from its hanger to its launchpad. With the space shuttle on board, in travels its ten-mile journey in 10 hours at 1 mph. Coming back, it goes 2. Google it. It's huge.

What is the big orange gas tank called on a space shuttle?

The big orange gas tank on a space shuttle is called the External Tank. It stores the liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen needed for the main engines during launch.

How long will it take to reach the Andromeda galaxy by space shuttle?

It would take millions of years to reach the Andromeda galaxy by space shuttle due to its vast distance of about 2.537 million light years from Earth. The speed of current space shuttles is not sufficient to travel such huge distances in a reasonable time frame.

How many buttons in the space shuttle?

There were hundreds of buttons in the space shuttle, used to control various systems and functions for tasks like communication, navigation, and emergencies. The exact number of buttons varied based on the specific model and purpose of the shuttle.

How do space shuttles enter and exit space?

Space shuttles enter space by launching vertically with the help of rocket boosters and then using their engines to achieve orbital velocity. To exit space, shuttles use their engines to slow down and re-enter Earth's atmosphere, descending gradually until they land safely back on the ground.

Why was the space shuttle sent to space?

The space shuttle was developed because the weight of satellites or payload required huge rockets. The shuttle main claim to fame is that it was also reusable. The only thing that is not recovered after launch is the liquid hydrogen fuel tank. The solid rockets on either side of the hydrogen tank burn out, separate, then fall to Earth. After the solid rocket separation the shuttles main engines continue to fire to get into orbit. When the fuel tank is separated it burns up in the atmosphere.

What enables a space shuttle to lift off?

Two huge solid fuel rockets, and Three big rocket motors burning fuel from an external tank big as a grain silo at a ferocious rate.