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the nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium

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Q: The onset of which event marks the change of a protostar into a star?
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The latter part and close of the day and beginning of darkness and night?

Dusk is the time that marks the transition from daylight to darkness, occurring after sunset. It is characterized by a dimming light and the onset of twilight, signaling the approaching night.

What is a star birth?

A star birth refers to the formation of a new star from a collapsing cloud of gas and dust in space. As gravity causes the cloud to contract, the core temperature rises until nuclear fusion is ignited, marking the birth of a star. These new stars eventually stabilize and begin to generate energy through nuclear reactions in their cores.

What does protolapsis mean?

Protolapsis refers to the initial stage or early development of a condition or disease. It is often used in medical contexts to describe the onset or beginning of a particular health issue.

What time of the night is best for stargazing?

The best time for stargazing is typically late at night when the sky is darkest and there is minimal light pollution. This is usually a few hours after sunset when the moon has set and before the onset of dawn.

What do you mean by monsoon winds and clouds burst?

Monsoon winds are seasonal wind patterns that bring heavy rainfall to certain parts of the world. A cloud burst is an intense, sudden rainfall event where a large amount of precipitation falls in a short period of time, often leading to flash floods due to the rapid accumulation of water. Both phenomena are commonly associated with the monsoon season in regions like South Asia.

Related questions

The onset of which event marks the change of a protostar into a star-?

The nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium

What fighting marks the onset of World War 2?

German invasion of Poland

What is important about the onset of fusion?

"The onset of fusion marks the birth of stars. Once nuclear fusion begins in a star,the prcess can continue for billions of years." I got this info. from my text book, hope it helped you. :T

What was the biggest change in west African culture with the onset of various empires?

the biggest change was their culture

What was the biggest change in west African culture with the onset of the various empires?

the biggest change was their culture

What physical change can occur with the onset of vaginal candidiasis?

The vulva and vagina can be red, swollen, and painful.

What is a star birth?

A star birth refers to the formation of a new star from a collapsing cloud of gas and dust in space. As gravity causes the cloud to contract, the core temperature rises until nuclear fusion is ignited, marking the birth of a star. These new stars eventually stabilize and begin to generate energy through nuclear reactions in their cores.

What are the chances during puberty?

The main change is that the testis become larger in size. In females there is onset of menstruation.

How is light used in Judaism?

Candle-lighting marks the onset of Sabbath and festivals. Candles (or oil lamps) are lit on Hanukkah. See also Proverbs 6:23 and 20:27.

How does aphasia begin?

onset of aphasia is usually abrupt, and occurs in individuals who have had no previous speech or language problems. Aphasia is at its most severe immediately after the event that causes it.

What is the onset type of an earthquake?

rapid onset type

What is the Archaic term for military attack?

the answer is 'onset'