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The Earth completes a revolution when it travels around the sun.

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Q: The earth completes one when it travles around the sun?
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Related questions

Does the moon revolve around earth as earth revolves around the sun?

Yes. It completes one revolution around the earth roughly every 27.3 days.

What is the period of time for the moon to go around the earth?

The Moon completes one orbit around the Earth in approximately 27.3 days.

What is it called when the moon completes one revolution around the earth?

it s called a century

What speed does earth travel when it completes one revolution around the sun?


How long does it take the earth to complete one revolution of the earth?

The Earth completes one revolution around the Sun in about 365.25 days, which is one year.

How long deos it take for the moon to orbit the earth?

The moon completes one orbital revolution around the earth in 27.32 days. The moon also completes one rotation on its axis in exactly the same time.

What is the length of the time for the earth to move around the sun?

The earth completes one orbital revolution around the sun every 365.24 days.That's the period of time referred to as one 'year'.

What planet takes 225 days to orbit the sun?

Venus takes approximately 225 Earth days to orbit the sun.

What is the Number of rotations of earth around the sun?

The earth completes one revolution around the sun every 365.24 days. That's the source of the time period that we refer to as the "year".

Why is the revolution of the earth is called the annual motion of the earth?

Because the Earth completes one whole revolutionin its orbit around the sun in exactly one year.In fact, one revolution is the definition of year.

How much of its orbit does the moon complete in one earth day?

There are three different "Earth days". I will point you to a couple of links that have information about "Earth days", and lunar orbit information. Roughly, the Moon completes one orbit in 28 days, so it completes 1/28th of its orbit.

How many times does Io revolve around Jupiter for each time Earth's moon revolves around Earth?

The orbital period of Io is listed as 1.769 earth days, while the revolution periodof earth's moon is 27.32 days.So Io makes (27.32 / 1.769) = 15.44 swings around Jupiter for each time theearth's moon revolves around earth.