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newtons 3rd law

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2mo ago

The achievement of lifting a rocket off the ground and into space can be explained by Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This law explains how the rocket engines generate thrust by expelling gases downward, causing the rocket to move upward.

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Q: The achievement of lifting a rocket off the ground and into space can be explained by what law?
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How does a rocket get off the ground?

A rocket gets off the ground through a process called ignition. Once the rocket's engines are ignited, they generate thrust, which propels the rocket upwards. The thrust created by the engines overcomes the force of gravity, allowing the rocket to lift off the ground and enter into space.

How does a rocket ship take off from the ground?

A rocket ship takes off from the ground by igniting its engines to produce thrust. The thrust pushes the rocket upward, overcoming Earth's gravitational pull. As the rocket accelerates, it gains the speed needed to break free from the Earth's atmosphere and enter space.

How does a rocket take off and what forces are involved?

A rocket takes off by igniting its engines, which produce thrust that propels the rocket upward. The main forces involved in the rocket's takeoff are thrust and gravity. Thrust overcomes gravity, allowing the rocket to lift off the ground and travel into space.

How many rocket engines did the Saturn V have?

The Saturn V rocket had five rocket engines in its first stage, called the F-1 engines. These engines were responsible for providing the necessary thrust to lift the rocket off the ground and into space.

What is two froces are present during the liftoff a rocket?

During the liftoff of a rocket, the two main forces present are thrust and gravity. Thrust is the force generated by the rocket engines pushing against the ground, propelling the rocket upwards, while gravity acts in the opposite direction, pulling the rocket downwards.

Related questions

The achievement of lifting a rocket off the ground and into space can be explained by?


How can the achievement of lifting a rocket off the ground and into space be explained?

newton's third law

The achievement of lifting a rocket off the ground and into space can be explained by what?

newton's second law

The achievement of lifting a rocket off the ground into space can be explained by?

This is one of Newtons Laws....I am going with law 2 and my 13 year old son who is actaully studying this thinks it is #3. Please help.......I think we have read too much into this question.....Thanks!!!!! You are wrong it is Newton's third law.

Which of newtons laws explains the achievement of lifting a rocket off the ground and into space?

Newton's Third Law. Equivalent to Conservation of Momentum. By Newton's Third Law, if the gas is pushed out of the rocket, the gas pushes the rocket back, in the opposite direction.

How fast does a spaceahip travel?

While lifting off, a rocket will reach about 17,000mph

How do you get the rocket hunter achievement in battlefield bad company 2 for iPod?


How does a rocket get off the ground?

A rocket gets off the ground through a process called ignition. Once the rocket's engines are ignited, they generate thrust, which propels the rocket upwards. The thrust created by the engines overcomes the force of gravity, allowing the rocket to lift off the ground and enter into space.

A rocket lifts off by pushing down on the ground which then pushes the rocket up?

The propellant

Does gravity moves objects upward?

No, gravity pulls objects downward towards the center of the Earth. This is why objects fall towards the ground when they are released. Objects need an external force, such as a rocket or a lifting force, to move them upward against gravity.

What are examples of accelerated motion?

A rocket taking off, quite slowly lifting then accelarating quickly . Free falling

What energy is does a rocket gaining height use?

A rocket gaining height uses potential energy, which is the energy stored in the rocket's position above the ground. As the rocket climbs higher, its potential energy increases due to its position in the Earth's gravitational field. This potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy as the rocket descends back to the ground.