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Enough pressure to make the atoms (hydrogen atoms) in the gas (hydrogen - don't know about dust) to push so hard against one another that the atoms literally fuse together (which believe me requires an immense amount of power). This causes the nuclear fusion reaction that we see (and feel) in stars. It produces an immense amount of heat and light.

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trigger nuclear fusion, creating energy and causing the gas and dust to heat up and form a new star. This process takes place in dense regions of space called nebulae.

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Q: Stars are born when gravity pulls gas and dust together with enough pressure to?
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Which of these develop when gravity pulls gas and dust together with enough pressure to ignite nuclear fusion?

Stars develop when gravity pulls gas and dust together with enough pressure to ignite nuclear fusion. This process starts in the core of the collapsing cloud, where the temperature and pressure become high enough for nuclear reactions to occur, initiating the star's life cycle.

How does gravity affect the stars moon an planets?

Gravity keeps the planets in orbit around the sun and the stars and the stars in orbit around the center of the galaxy. Gravity also holds the stars together against their own internal pressure.

What are stars in the sky held together by?

Stars in the sky are held together by gravity. Gravity is the force that pulls all the mass of a star together, preventing it from expanding outward. It is this balance of internal pressure from nuclear reactions and gravitational forces that keeps a star stable.

Why do stars combine together?

Stars combine together due to the force of gravity pulling them towards each other. When enough material gathers in one place, the pressure and temperature increases, igniting nuclear fusion in the core. This fusion process releases energy and keeps the star shining.

Stars balance there inside gravity by?

The inward force of gravity is counteracted by two outward forces: gas pressure, and radiation pressure. Once the star runs out of fuel, the radiation pressure stops, the gas pressure is no longer enough to counteract gravity, and the star collapses - into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole, depending on its mass.

Related questions

Which of these develop when gravity pulls gas and dust together with enough pressure to ignite nuclear fusion?

Stars develop when gravity pulls gas and dust together with enough pressure to ignite nuclear fusion. This process starts in the core of the collapsing cloud, where the temperature and pressure become high enough for nuclear reactions to occur, initiating the star's life cycle.

Stars are born when gravity pulls gas and dust together with enough pressure to ignite nuclear fusion true or false?


How does gravity affect the stars moon an planets?

Gravity keeps the planets in orbit around the sun and the stars and the stars in orbit around the center of the galaxy. Gravity also holds the stars together against their own internal pressure.

What are stars in the sky held together by?

Stars in the sky are held together by gravity. Gravity is the force that pulls all the mass of a star together, preventing it from expanding outward. It is this balance of internal pressure from nuclear reactions and gravitational forces that keeps a star stable.

What is gravity's job in the universe?

Gravity basically makes things come together, and keep together. For example, due to gravity: * Galaxies form and keep together * Stars form and keep together * Stars get hot enough for nuclear fusion to start * Planets form and keep together * Planets keep around their stars, instead of wandering off into space

What effect does gravity have on stars?

Gravity plays a crucial role in stars by providing the force necessary to counteract the outward pressure generated by nuclear fusion in their cores. This balance between gravity and pressure allows stars to maintain their shape and stability. Gravity also determines the size, mass, and lifespan of stars.

Why do stars combine together?

Stars combine together due to the force of gravity pulling them towards each other. When enough material gathers in one place, the pressure and temperature increases, igniting nuclear fusion in the core. This fusion process releases energy and keeps the star shining.

Stars are formed from interstellar clouds because of?

Stars are formed from interstellar clouds due to gravitational collapse. As the cloud contracts under its own gravity, it heats up and ignites nuclear fusion, leading to the birth of a star.

What do scientist think was responsible for clumping together matter forming the fist stars after the big bang?

Scientists believe that the clumping together of matter to form the first stars after the Big Bang was primarily due to the force of gravity. Gravity caused regions of slightly denser matter to attract more matter towards them, leading to the formation of proto-stars. Over time, these proto-stars accumulated enough mass and pressure to ignite nuclear fusion, giving birth to the first stars in the universe.

Is a nebula held together of the outward force of gravity?

Yes, a nebula is held together by gravity. Gravity causes the gas and dust within a nebula to contract and clump together, eventually forming stars and other celestial bodies.

Are stars born when gravity pulls gas and dust together with enough pressure to ignite nuclear fusion?

Yes, that's correct! Stars are born when gravity causes gas and dust in a molecular cloud to collapse under their own weight. This collapse creates high pressures and temperatures in the core of the forming star, eventually igniting nuclear fusion and creating a stable star.

Why are stars there?

When enough hydrogen gas collects in a region of space, the collective gravity of the gas begins to pull all the hydrogen atoms together. Eventually, when enough hydrogen has fallen together, it heats up and compresses the gas. If there's enough gas, it will collapse under gravity until the internal temperature and pressure are very high, and hydrogen fusion begins. And a star is born. It's not all that unusual; there are perhaps a trillion stars in the Milky Way, and hundreds of billions of other galaxies in the universe.