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Space shuttles travel in the thermosphere, which is the second highest layer of the Earth's atmosphere. This layer extends from about 80 km to 550 km above the Earth's surface and is where the International Space Station orbits.

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Q: Space shuttles travel in what layer of the atmosphere?
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In which layer of the atmosphere does the space shuttle travel?

The space shuttle travels in the thermosphere, which is the layer of the atmosphere located between the mesosphere and the exosphere. This is where most space shuttles orbit Earth at altitudes ranging from around 80 to 600 kilometers.

Can space shuttles go into the exosphere?

Yes, space shuttles can reach the exosphere, which is the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere. During their missions, space shuttles pass through the exosphere and travel into the vacuum of space beyond.

Which layer of the atmosphere does the space shuttle travel in?

The space shuttle travels in the thermosphere layer of the atmosphere, which is the layer located above the mesosphere. This layer is where temperatures can reach very high levels due to its proximity to space.

What layer of the atmosphere are space shuttles located?

Space shuttles typically operate in the thermosphere layer of the atmosphere, which extends from about 80 kilometers (50 miles) above the Earth's surface to between 550-1000 kilometers (340-620 miles) high. At these altitudes, the air is extremely thin, allowing the shuttles to operate efficiently in the near-vacuum conditions of space.

In what layer do space shuttles fly?

Space shuttles fly in the thermosphere layer of the Earth's atmosphere, which is located between 80-550 kilometers above the Earth's surface. This layer is characterized by a very low density of gas molecules and high temperatures due to intense solar radiation.

Related questions

In which layer of the atmosphere does the space shuttle travel?

The space shuttle travels in the thermosphere, which is the layer of the atmosphere located between the mesosphere and the exosphere. This is where most space shuttles orbit Earth at altitudes ranging from around 80 to 600 kilometers.

Can space shuttles go into the exosphere?

Yes, space shuttles can reach the exosphere, which is the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere. During their missions, space shuttles pass through the exosphere and travel into the vacuum of space beyond.

How far can a space shuttles speedometer go to?

answer:it can go upto exosphere.Exosphere is the layer of a atmosphere.

Which layer of the atmosphere does the space shuttle travel in?

The space shuttle travels in the thermosphere layer of the atmosphere, which is the layer located above the mesosphere. This layer is where temperatures can reach very high levels due to its proximity to space.

Which atmospheric layer is where space shuttles orbit?

The atmosphere is divided in to five layers. These are Troposhere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere. The space shuttles orbit in thermosphere.The atmosphere is divided in to five layers. These are Troposhere, Stratospere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere. The space shuttles orbit in thermosphere.

What layer of the atmosphere are space shuttles located?

Space shuttles typically operate in the thermosphere layer of the atmosphere, which extends from about 80 kilometers (50 miles) above the Earth's surface to between 550-1000 kilometers (340-620 miles) high. At these altitudes, the air is extremely thin, allowing the shuttles to operate efficiently in the near-vacuum conditions of space.

In what layer do space shuttles fly?

Space shuttles fly in the thermosphere layer of the Earth's atmosphere, which is located between 80-550 kilometers above the Earth's surface. This layer is characterized by a very low density of gas molecules and high temperatures due to intense solar radiation.

In which layer you find satellites and space shuttles?

Satellites and space shuttles are found in the exosphere layer of the Earth's atmosphere. The exosphere extends from an altitude of about 600 km (373 miles) upwards, and is where most man-made satellites orbit the Earth. Space shuttles operate both within and beyond the exosphere during their missions.

Which layer are the space station and shuttles in?


Are holes in ozone layer due to space shuttles?

Ozone depletion is caused due to space shuttles. But not enough to cause a hole.

What layer of earth's atmosphere merges into outer space?

The layer of Earth's atmosphere that merges into outer space is known as the exosphere. This is the outermost layer of the atmosphere where gas molecules are so sparse that they can travel long distances without colliding with each other.

In the atmosphere which layer is known as outer space?

The layer of the atmosphere that is considered outer space is called the exosphere. This is the uppermost layer of the atmosphere, where the air is extremely thin and gradually transitions into the vacuum of space.