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Q: Order these space notes in the bass clef from highest space to lowest space (lowest space note on bottom highest space note on top?
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Is space number one the highest or lowest space on the staff in choir?

Space number one is the highest space on the staff in choir. It is located above the five lines where the highest vocal notes are written for sopranos in choral music.

What does a star mean after the serial number on a 1934 Twenty dollar bill mean?

The star after the serial number on a 1934 Twenty dollar bill signifies that the note is a replacement or a star note. Star notes are used to replace misprinted or damaged notes before they are released into circulation. They are given serial numbers with a star at the end to differentiate them from regular notes.

What is the significance of a star instead of a letter in the serial number of a US dollar bill?

A star note is a replacement note for a bill that was misprinted or damaged during the printing process. The star symbol is used to differentiate it from regular bills with the same serial number. Star notes are considered rare and can be valuable to collectors.

What is does a star in a serial number mean on US paper money?

A star in a serial number on US paper money indicates that the bill is a replacement note. Replacement notes are used to replace bills that were misprinted or damaged during production. These notes have serial numbers that include a star to denote their special status.

Is a Star One Dollar Bill rare?

Yes, a "Star" note refers to a replacement note that is printed to replace a damaged or misprinted note. Star notes are issued in small quantities and can be rare depending on the specific year and series of the one dollar bill.

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What are the lowest and highest notes on the drum kit with their exact frequencies?

the highest is the one thats the highest and the lowest is the one thats the lowest it's easy stupid.

What is the highest and lowest notes on the piano?

The highest note on a grand piano is the note C. The lowest note on a piano would be D.

What are the highest and lowest notes in Kristin Chenoweth's vocal range?

Her highest note if F above high C, but I'm not sure about her lowest.

string famly lowest to highest?

The members of the string family, from the highest to the lowest, are the violin, the viola, cello and bass. Without the strings you would no longer have an orchestra, you would have a band, The string family, as a unit, can play the very highest notes and the very lowest.

What is the frequency of the highest note on a pipe organ?

The lowest note is the G above middle C, and the highest is the A nine notes above that.

What is the order of notes within a root position triad?

It means the root of the chord is the lowest note being played. If it's a C-major chord, the C is on the bottom.

Order these space notes in the bass clef from highest space to lowest space?

g e c a

Is space number one the highest or lowest space on the staff in choir?

Space number one is the highest space on the staff in choir. It is located above the five lines where the highest vocal notes are written for sopranos in choral music.

What are the notes from lowest to highest on a flute?

B c d e f g a b c d

What are the music notes in order?

On a conventional keyboard, they're alphabetical, starting from left to right, lowest to highest, at A, B, C, D, E, F, G and repeating. But that's just because they had to standardize it. The real order is up to you.

What is a space note and line note in music?

The space notes in a treble clef are (in order from bottom to top) F, A, C, E. The line notes in a treble clef are (in order from bottom to top) E, G, B, D, F. The space notes in a bass clef are (in order from bottom to top) A, C, E, G. The line notes in a bass clef are (in order from bottom to top) G, B, D, F, A.

What are the notes of the violin from lowest to highest?

Well, there are 4 main strings. In order from lowest to highest, it is G, D, A and E being the highest. One finger on the G string is A. Two fingers is B. Three is C and four are D, making the same noise as the open D string. One finger on the D string is E. Two fingers are F. Three fingers are G, and fourth ringer making the same noise as the open A string. One finger on the A string is B. Two fingers are C, and three fingers are D sharp. Fourth finger makes the same noise as open E. One finger on the open E string is F. Second finger is G, third finger is A, and fourth ringer is B, making that the highest note on the violin.